
It is really difficult saying goodbye to my baby every morning!?

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every morning when i prepare to go out ,my 18 month baby cries &she doesn't want me to leave her anymore!i always try to make her sleep but sometimes she is awake! her babysitter is kind to her in front of me but cause my baby cant speak properly i dont know if she is really kind to her or not!! it is about 1 year she is with her.what should i do?




  1. I know how hard it is to leave your baby...I assume you are working.  If you are not working..why do you go out when you should be home with your baby?  You don't mention if this is bahavior that just started recently or if it's been going on for a year.  You also don't mention your daughters behavior when you arrive home...whether she is in a good mood anad happy or sad and sullen.  Hidden cameras are a good idea but are costly.  If possible you might want to pay surprise visits during the day either by you if possible, or a trusted friend or neighbor.  Phone calls home to the sitter would be a good idea.  Pay attention to the back ground noise.  Many babies go through what is called "stranger anxiety" when they are that age and it is completely normal.  She's attached to you and wants mommy.  Reassure her that you will be home later and be ready to play with her or read a book.  Have some cuddle time!  You might want to help her pick out something of mommy's to play with or hold during the day.  Some children find it comforting to have a picture of mommy, or better yet make her a little photo album with pictures of you two together along with other pictures that she likes.  Address your concerns to you sitter.  Sit down with her and discuss ways that she might be able to help your daughter adjust in the mornings.  It's very possible too, that it's all for show for mommy and that once you leave she's just fine.  You really need to have complete and open communication with your sitter.  Remeber too, that lingering when you leave may only make things worse for both you and your daughter.

  2. After a year the baby I would think should be used to the babysitter.  If the baby is still crying after all this time I would say that the baby is not very happy with the babysitter.  You might be right in thinking the babysitter is " nice " while your there but, when you leave things are a bit different.  Can you afford to have a hidden camera somewhere?  If so, I'd ask a friend to install one and see whats going on.  Atleast maybe a long playing tape recorder so you can hear.

  3. Easy, don't leave her.

  4. STOP MAKING HER SLEEP! You started this problem by trying to trick your baby.

      When it's time to go, warn your baby ahead of time. Tell her the sitter will be there soon so Mommy can go to work. When the sitter comes, make plans, i.e. "How about you help Mommy clean up when I get home today?" or "Why don't we watch that new cartoon tonight when I get home?" It'll help her to know you are coming back, and the sitter can remind her of it while you are gone.

    If you don't make it a big deal, it won't be one. I taught my son (15 mos old at the time) a similar routine, and after a week, he was telling me "Bye mom!" the moment he woke up!

  5. That is normal for her age.  She wants mommy.

  6. If you are that concerned about the welfare of your child why are you going out. I'm all in favour of mums working but the child must come first.

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