
It is right for woman to sell themself for survival?

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It is right for woman to sell themself for survival?




  1. It's not the best situation to be in but if someone had to choose between not being able to eat or selling their body for money, they would need to do whatever it took them to survive.

    It's not the right thing to do in my eyes, but when faced with a difficult situation you can't always do the morally correct thing.

  2. It isn't really a question of "right or "wrong".  It's a question of what's necessary at the time or what you feel is necessary at the time.  Most women who are "selling themselves" (if you're referring to prostitutes) start out as teen runaways or drug addicts, not well-adjusted adults.

  3. It is up to the woman to make that decision.  I assume you're asking about prostitution here.  What's wrong with hooking anyway?

  4. ...Is it right for a MAN to sell themselves for survival?

    It's not a question of whether it's right or wrong.

    It's not that simple.

    Why do people do any of the things they do to survive?

    Everyone is different. There are people that can separate and compartmentalize their morals from their actions; separate their minds, feelings and emotions from their bodies.... they do what they do and it's really not for us to condemn or judge. I go with: "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."  -or- "Judge not, lest ye be judged."

    Thought-provoking question. Made me stop and think. Thanks.

  5. No it's wrong!! It's ALWAYS WRONG.

  6. IN Victorian times.. the poor only had one choice if they wanted to survive and had no skills to be accepted to work in a household as a kitchenmaid or a governess.. work in sweatshops.. and that was hardest work.. in poorest condition and they made almost no money at all they had to sew for 16 hours a day and got just enough money to stay alive and live in a hovel to share a room with 10 other people in a poor house.. a bucket was used by all of them for pyisical needs such as emptying their bladder.. so the only other way back then was prostitution..  to survive.. and some women had no choice.. if they were born in low class .. if they never got education.  if they did not attend school .. if they did not make it to at least become a kitchen maid with board and lodging and a tiny bit of pay... at least that kept them from having to become prostitutes.. I don't know.. I would not do it.. even if it meant i had to be poor.. I would not sell my body but I can understand of those poor women in Victorian times who did that..  nowadays women at least go to school they can read and write.. they have some education.. even if they work in a factory or as a cleaner.. it is not allowed anymore to make women wear in sweatshops for 16 hours per day and pay them only enough to buy a loaf of bread.. but I don't condemn the people who do.. that would be like condeming every homeless person.. we cannot pass judgment upon others unless we know their real life story.. what drove them to need to do that.. some may have lost their jobs, had a divorce, paid alimony..  they ended up homeless without their fault..  and without a home you can't get a job... and as for prostitutes.. I would never want to do this.. but if it wasn't for prostitutes ... there would be even more s*x crimes then there are already .. and I don't condemn anyone unless and until I know the real reason why they ended up that way.... x*x

  7. Ever hear that song, "What would you do if your son's at home crying all alone bedroom floor 'cause he's hungry, and the only way to feed him is to sleep with a man for a little bit of money, 'cause his daddy's gone..."

    It really is not that simple.

    Some can say that one always has a choice, but for all those women, children, men & transvestites whose only choice is to be murdered or prostitute there really a choice?

  8. People have the right to do what they want, when they want and with whom they want - it's no ones business except their spouse/family etc...

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