
It is said " When in Rome, do as the Romans". What do Romans do that we should do when we are in Rome?

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It is said " When in Rome, do as the Romans". What do Romans do that we should do when we are in Rome?




  1. Take easy...that the means.

  2. don't wear shorts at dinner!


  3. Drink wonderful coffee

    Sightsee during the day if you are a tourist,

    Walk the piazza and the main streets at night at a very leisurely pace, being seen and stopping to chat to friends

    When you step on to the roadway to cross the street, you must make eye contact with any approaching drivers to make sure they will stop.

    Don't rush except on the autostrada.

    Kiss your family/friends once on each cheek when you meet them.

  4. ahahahaha it means that if you go out(pub,pizzeria,ristorante) everyone pays its own bill


  5. um, i've been to rome before. and i don't exactly know what they do.


    and party your head off!

  6. It basically means to act like the people around you. To truly experience what a new place is like you should do what the people that live their do. So you can blend in.

  7. It's a popular saying that's not corresponding to something specific you must do "when in Rome". This is a suggestion worldwide valid and in short means " when you're travelling abroad do what locals are doing without pretending to find exactly the same things of when you are at home".

    If you're in Nepal to climb the Everest  you shouldn't ask to eat lobster and drink champagne...!!

  8. Here you'll find the right guides to show you what to do and how to be “when in Rome”  


  9. EAT,DRINK,SLEEP and RELAX and enjoy the ITALIAN way of live.

  10. Same principle as Vegas.  We don't really know what it is, but when we get there we will make sure to do it!!!

  11. Go to the morning markets to shop for lunch. Go to a cafe at 10am for your mid-morning coffee. Go home for lunch if you can. Out for a drink after work with you friends at the local cafe. Out for to see a move then for a pizza, Chinese or Arab food with your friends in the evenings....

    Bike in the parks on the weekends or go to a museum.... Do the wash, clean the house, watch some TV...

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