
It is said that if you ask a question three times, you will get your answer by the third time. Okay. Help?

by  |  earlier

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Firstly, I am desperate, which is why I have come to yahoo! answers of all places.

Secondly, I am young, of average intelligence, and in great need of assistance. I need a wealthy sponsor who is willing to go all out to provide me money for what would appear to be a whimsical fancy.

I need no less than 25,000 dollars, US. I need to pay off a few debts as well as send myself over to France to finally meet with my long time girlfriend. But this cannot be done within the time I have. I have only a couple of months and then I must be off. She will not wait forever, and she has come down with depression, and it is getting worse. I need to be there for her.

I need help. Anyone, anyone has the answer. Wealthy friends of family, I plead you: please assist me in my plight? I will repay you in any way I can. But I am unable to do this on my own.

This is the third time I have asked this question. I am praying for the answer that will relieve me in this one, last and desperate effort.




  1. I liked your response on my question, got any more ideas?

  2. It's the third time because you are nuts! Why do you think people should pay for your debts and your life? It's very odd.

  3. i have to sat that you will not get anyone to lend you any money on yahoo, go to a proper loan lendin compay

  4. This is not the place to ask for money. No one knows who you are.

    And $25,000 ???  Go to a bank or get a real job.

    Looks like this is a  Nigerian scam e-mail

    BTW, it DOES NOT cost $25K to fly to France !  And about your you said yourself..."average intelligence"..........

  5. this is the third time and you havent got any help? wow, maybe everyone figures its a scam!! hmmm.... why dont you just start out saying HEY SUCKERS!

  6. I feel for you, but can't help.  That is alot, alot of money.  If you find someone that is willing to give you that, drop me a line, I could use some home improvements:)

  7. Right, not giving you any money to start with. How about some advice instead?

    Reading your past questions I can't decide if you're very mucked up or someone who likes asking questions to get a reaction.

    If you really live in Colorado Springs, then file for bancruptcy. That's the debt taken care of.

    Then hitchhike to New York or Washington.

    Sell something so that you have $800. That's all a return flight to Paris costs from either city (single flights more expensive).

    Arrive in Paris, see if your g/f still wants anything to do with you.

    If yes, get a job teaching English - many adult-education schools don't require teaching qualifications. Getting a visa is easy once you have a job set up.

    If no, then go get a life!

  8. Yahoo! Answers is not a classified ads site, nor is it a place to make solicitations for charity.

    Head over to and and place free ads asking for the handouts.

    Good luck.

  9. Are you in Africa?  I used to chat with a few people in Africa and all eventually got around to asking me for large amounts of money for some great personal cause.  There house burned down, Father in hospital dying and Mother about to be evicted, and etc.  I no longer accept chats from Africa.

  10. I wonder if your gf is just as desperate and needy to see you...

  11. uh

    sell a kidney

    win the ill pray for you, man.

    i know how it feels..

  12. Hey I been looking for the same thing

  13. Nigeria scam is old. Don't waste your time 'cause no one will loan you the money. Get a job like everyone else. Be a decent human being and support yourself.

    If this is the third time you asked and no response, get a clue. No one will give you the money. If you need money, I'll give you .50 to go and buy yourself a clue.

    "It is said that if you ask a question three times, you will get your answer by the third time". Where did you hear this and who said it? Obviously you asked more than 3 times and no one gives you the money, so that statement can't be right.

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