
It is time the New Zealand flag was changed?

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It is time the New Zealand flag was changed?




  1. I'm Australian... so my opinion doesn't count for much here.  But one thing I would say is that the many proud Kiwis have fought for (and died) for Aotearoa under this flag.

    I don't understand anyone that can't distinguish the Kiwi flag from the Aussie.  It's as plane as the nose on your face.  If you can't distinguish between the two, then obviously you haven't taken the time to look at them.  One, the Kiwi flag has four, white-rimmed red stars (the Aussie has five, white stars); and two, the Kiwi flag only has the Southern Cross on it.  There's an additional star on the Australian flag.

    And as for anyone that is put off by the Union Jack... I suggest you take a look at the Hawaiian flag.

    Kiwis should be proud of their country; indigenous and imports alike.  At least New Zealand has the decency to recognise their traditional owners... unlike so many other countries that have been "invaded" by Europeans (specifically Australia and America).

    Stand proud New Zealand!  Us antipodeans have to stick together.

  2. Matthew - where did you learn to spell - are you a New Zealander?  If so, I am ashamed to be classed with you!! Try spelling the word Maori correctly and you may have a chance of belonging to a great country!!!!

    As for the flag - yes we need our own identiy instead of being lumped with the common wealth ( it doesn't mean anything anymore).

  3. I have always found it hard to form an opinion on this question - against it for  the  reason Kiwi Pete has given and  for it - because it is almost indistinguishable from the Australian flag. But with the latter I now think this is in fact not such a bad thing. After all Australians and New Zealanders are very alike - rivaling cousins! With just a few minor differences, just like the flag.

    Josie Jo - you have to be careful about criticizing other people because you lay yourself open to criticism - the word is commonwealth not common wealth.

  4. I am a Kiwi, and i agree totally with what safyre said, take a look and be proud Kiwi's, i am proud to be a Kiwi!!  :)

  5. maybe silver fern would be alright

  6. NO. It is a flag that men and women fought and died for.

  7. Yes! Yes! Yes! it is definitely time to change, other countries have confused us with the aussies for too long. the black and white silver fern looks good, but looks more like a logo than a flag. i reckon it should be something with a bit of maori, a bit of maori, a bit of european, sort of like what we have on the passport but a little simpler. that would be cool.

  8. Yes it should have been black with the silver fern on it many years ago - they were close changing it ... I think the idea was going around Parliament a few years back .....

    It's just too close to the Australian one.

  9. Yes and No.

    I get very confused with AUS & NZ flag..

    it's good to be unique and easily identified. But if we change it.. there will be a lot of alteration etc..

  10. I'm neutral if we change it, in brace the new. If we kept it, love tradition.

  11. no

  12. hey personly i think it would be a good idea to chage the flag and really show how much us pakeha an maori have come together..but dont get me wrong,if there were to be change i would only hope that the next generations still remember how much went on during the old flags time

    thus coming from a 15 yr old..lmao peace and good Q m8

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