
It is true italians hate euro and want lira back?

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i red that in many sites.Because when lira was the currency,Italy was cheaper than now with euro.




  1. as is normal in italy the north thrives with whatever currency and the south suffers..

    i'll bet any italians who say the euro is ok live in the north..

    the south has suffered greatly under the euro and with continued government under investment will continue to do so..

    there was absolutley no control, from the usual lilly liver italian politicians, whether they are left or right, and subsequently prices double over night and wages were halved. under the lira 1 million was a lot of money and a good monthly salary now when converted into euro 500 euros it don't buy squat..

  2. Yes

  3. With euro prices doubled, because people didn't "understand" the value of the new money there was no control, and then Berlusconi started to say it was fault of euro and now some people dont wanna euro anymore, but it was not fault of euro, but of commerciants

  4. I'm italian and I say: no....maybe lot of time ago, when euro was a new thing, but now...

    it's real that prices went up with teh euro

  5. When I fist came to Italy you could always find something on the market for 1000lire. When the euro arrived it became €1.(i.e. 2000lire) For some people this was a gift from heaven but for the Italian low paid and pensioners it is a disaster. Here there is not the same social net. as in u.k. so some people are borrowing (lot's of loan adverts on t.v. aimed at pensioners). Going back is not possible but some people are having a great deal of difficulty going forward.

  6. many italians want lira back becuase the euro and the fact that the government didn't control it are cause of economic troubles in italy that we didn't have when we had the lira

  7. i am an italian girls and i live in roma, were the life is more care. but the real problem is that the news are always a problem for the italian and in this years we have a political is not good for this cange

    sorry but i write in englis not usually

  8. That is possible. I am form Switzerland, and we are one of a few Eu countries, that have still our own currency: The Swiss-francs because of that reason.......

  9. The real problem is that there was no control on prices in the first years of euro.

    1euro should be about 2000 lire but instead many sellers started a strange conversion (convenient for them) and then prices of the common goods rose sharply while salaries not...

    It was some kind of different svalutation...

    When we used lira the "bigger" coin was 1000 lire, the cost of a daily newspaper. Nowadays we have 2 € coin that means 4000 lire! And a newspaper cost 1000 lire no more, but 1 €!

  10. It's right since now everything is more expensive. Consider that an euro equals to two lire. Now, if before the euro something cost 2 lire now it costs 2 euros, at first you don't get the difference but actually 2 euros equal to 4 lire, got it?

    That's why we aren't happy with the euro but now there's no way back.

  11. not only Italians, also Portuguese, Spanish and many other countries where some people still think backwards...

  12. it's true that living in Italy was cheaper before the Euro, but the Euro has also strengthened a lot of countries economically.

  13. yes, it's true

  14. the euro is so strong it only hurts Americans who go on Holiday there  why would they want the lira back

  15. YES, my salary now is less then half compare to the lira time...

    Thanks to our govern that didn't control the cahnging on prices in the first period,

    I only like euro when I go the the states, I just can't stop shopping when I'm there!

  16. well, i remember that when i was there last summer, my family was complaining that the cost of things has gone up since the euro

  17. its true..the euro are killing us..cause when was the lira the kind of life was better than now...

  18. No, the majority of us Italians doesn't hate Euro and generally speaking we don't want Lira back. It's a fact that with the Euro the life cost has ugly raised but I personally believe this has nothing to do with the currency. IMHO Euro's benefits are way higher than eventual damages. For instance we can travel the majority of  Europe without changing our money like we were forced to do at our Lira's times and also the cost of imports has got big advantages with the Euro's advent. BTW I can't imagine how high could be the fuel cost with the current price of 100 US$ for the oil if we had to pay it in Liras..!! I'm perfectly aware of the fact that our exports, as well as our home tourism, are having hard times with a so weak US dollar's rate but I think this low value, rather than on Euro, is mostly depending on the US monetary's policy addressed to keep a very low Dollar's rate to facilitate their exports and for the rest to the huge costs of Iraqi's Freedom operation. People here is not blaming the Euro but rather our Italian government that has increased our taxes and not at all watched over commercial speculations.These are the reasons of the higher life-cost and not the Euro...!!

  19. I'm Italiand and after the euro's coming the power of purchase is dropped! Prices are doubled! It was a very dishonest dealing about the retailers that, the day after Euro's coming exposed very high prices.

    If the day before a t-shirt's  price was 50 mila lire , the day after Euro's coming a prive became 50 euro!!!!!(as 100mila lire, the double!!!!)so , this dishonest dealing is due a not severe vigilance , authoritoes don't have make their duty!

    Forgive me for my english...



  20. it could be yes, but i have another question for ya, is it true that the germans are racist towards middle easterns and Persians?

  21. Ciao...

    I support what martox45 said.

    Unfortunately many Italians look only at the Euro when they do shopping... that's why you heard it.

    The Italian economy will be dead without Euro for many reasons...

  22. The European Union, and subsequent Euro, was driven by France.  While they claim to be an ally of the United States, they are truly jealous and incensed by the fact the the US is the only superpower.  Great Britain didn't buy it, and Italy was bullied into it.

  23. yes it's true. I'm italian so...

  24. Yes, I'm Italian, but now turn back is impossible. If we want to stay at the same level of the others european states, we must

    accept the situation. And after all with the exchange Euro/Dollar is convenient visit USA because Euro is stronger than Dollar. We joined to euro? So, now we keep it.

    Sorry for my bad english.

  25. I know that most of the older people prefer lira because they have been using it forever and are used to took them awhile to adjust.........

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