
It is true that fish oil can help against manic depression?

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The fish oil can help against manic depression.

Effectiveness of Omega 3 oils in dealing with manic depression, schizophrenia, depression, hyperactivity, the LDCs, etc..

Dr. Ann Blake Tracy: In September 1998 the National Institute of Health conducted a seminar on the effectiveness of Omega 3 oils in dealing with manic depression, schizophrenia, depression, hyperactivity, the LDCs, etc.. Now a new study supports those reports. Although the study was addressed only to oil fish, linseed oil is not recommended because it exposes a potential toxicity-toxicity due to polluted waters where the pesci.__________________________________...

Scientists believe they have found a surprising new ally in their efforts to understand and treat acute sudden changes of mood of manic-depression fatty acids of fish. A clinical experiment at Harvard University on 44 patients suffering from manic depression, or bipolar, have had positive results with fish oil the experiment was stopped after 4 months and all patients were put into care with 14 capsules daily.

The fish oil is rich in fatty acids omegs-3, a family of polyunsaturated fatty long chain that have been associated with reduced cardiovascular disease and other health benefits. The highest concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids are in the eye and brain, where neurobiologi believe are essential for the proper functioning of cell membranes. If the levels of omega-3 fatty acids are too low, have assumed, then the streets are essential chemical sopraffatte may arise and mental disorders.

The study conducted at Harvard was the first significant scientific gaze on the effects of fish and its fatty acids on manic-depression that is estimated to affect between 1 and 2 percent of Americans at some point in life. The disorder produces surges from the levels of energy and mood abnormemente senior maniacalità of acute depression, and is generally treated with drugs other than those prescribed for unipolar depression, the most common form of depression. (It has been estimated that 20 percent of Americans suffer from some form of depression throughout life).

But some researchers believe that omega-3 fatty acids play an equally important role in unipolar depression. Joseph Hibbeln of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, has discovered an amazing correlation between the consumption of fish and depression. The society in which people eat much fish, he discovered, have markedly lower levels of depression compared with the society in which people did not eat much fish. Does his work "suggestive" rather than conclusive.

Stoll said that it unbeaten in fish as a possible cure for manic depression when he reviewed the literature on compounds from the effects similar to traditional drugs such as lithium and Valproato. "Wherever the guardammo were the omega-3," he said. "We had heard of the omega-3 to medical school, but there was given much attention since then." While fish oil has long been used as a dietary supplement safe, doctors warn that may oxidize if not is stored properly.




  1. i can imagine that it does..

    i know sardines are good as they release endorphin es in the brain..

  2. The thing with these claims is that they work differently for different anatomies...

    Fish oil, which is rich in Omega-3 and a very essential fat for the brain MAY benefit some people (people for instance who actually can 'synthesize' this digested material into their body).  Others who despereatly need certain substances (like with anatomical or chemical malfunctions), may not be able to synthesize these molecules into their system.  Untill thorough studies can proove this, you can try it out and see for yourself if it does work for you or not.  But be cautious: just because something works for many many people (or not) doesn't mean that it will (or won't) work for you as well.  Some people have allergies, others don't.  There is some simplification, but no generalization when it comes to biology/medicine etc.

  3. TRUE.  I give it to my son.  

  4. Very true; Fish oil benefits you greatly.

  5. I think you answered your own question. Research indicates there may be improvement, and some people swear by it. I take it, I have bipolar 2. I believe it is helping. All around good nutrition is needed for "sensitive" people in particular.  Most "disorders" benefit by eating right. Fresh is best, eat lots of fish and homegrown fruits and veggies with the least amount of chemicals involved.

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