
It is wrong to have a baby....?

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it is wrong to have a baby when your 80 years old or older




  1. I don't think it's possible and even if it was I think it is wrong. Babies don't have rights to choose who their parents are so the poor kid will probably lost his or her mum at a very young age. Poor thing!!

  2. Are you talking about giving birth to a baby or just having a baby to raise? Because there are a whole lot of grandparents raising their children's-children and if it is about giving birth it depends on the persons health. I have read a few articles of older women giving birth (c-section) one was 66 in Romania, January of 2006 and the other was 6 months pregnant in March of 2006 in China, she was 78 at the time. Personally I feel if the person is in good physical health (male or female) and want to have a child then let them, my father was mid-fifties when I was born and he was around till I was in my early twenties. If a guy can make babies that late in life then why can't a woman carry one at any age? Even the "experts" are fighting each other about the age and health factors. Only thing I would suggest is ALL parents no matter what age, have a will and pick a couple different people to raise your kids just in-case something happens. One is primary and the other is the backup.

  3. yes,

    i'm sure it is.

    and it might kill the old lady for pushing to hard.

  4. That's impossible. You can't have a baby unless you have your period. Which usually ends around the age of 50. Or, late 40's. So, yeah it's wrong.... LOL

  5. I think the oldest person to ever have a baby was in their 60's

    Check out this site, it talks about it:

    I think that a person having a child that old (if it were ever possible) would have too many complications to produce a healthy child. On the other hand adopting is also an issue because I doubt an 80 year old could keep up with a toddler. Hope you find the answer you're looking for !

  6. There are all kinds of ways to have a baby. You have to think of the future of the child and weigh those things out and not just live in the now with no regard to the childs future with losing a parent very early in age. That is just my opinion. It's a tough question and it's your decision (or the others) alone to make.

  7. 80 year olds cant have babies.  

    ps. for my sake and the sake of all other intelligent members of society, it is probably for the best that you do not produce offspring either.

  8. You can't have a baby, due to menopause

  9. It's kinda impossible though. Your period stops when you're about 60 and without it you can't have a baby. It's for the better. Older women can't handle the stress of having a child.

  10. That question is a matter of opinion. and in my opinion I would say yes, because as a parent you are expected to be responsible for that child for  18 years which would put an 80 year old person at 98-99.  How can someone that old deal with just the energy of a small child?  I think the likely hood of them living long enough to raise the kid is slim, and the quality of parenting I think would be poor just do to physical inability to do it.

  11. women go through menopause usually in there 50s so i am pretty sure that a woman in her 80's cannot have a baby if a woman had a baby in her 80's it would be wrong  at that age life expectancy is not that long what happens to the child after she dies and think about what that would do to the child and everything the child would miss

  12. Well it's physically impossible.  Wrong doesn't even come up.

  13. well, i heard on the news that there was a 70year indian woman that had twins. but its probably rare, and by that age you tend to get weak, so you could probably die while giving birth, also 80's a bit old to have a baby... cause by the time the child's 12 or something you'll be like 92... or possibly dead <____<;

  14. I dont think Its fair for the child to be bought into the world by a lady of that age because they wont be around to watch them grow up . (just my opinion )

  15. I have heard of some VERY rare cases that people up in age like that still being able to have children.

    But I dont think its a good idea only because women of that age will have many complications giving birth possibly death

  16. thats impossible I know like 3 other ppl said this but yeah umm they where right and why would u want to have a baby at 80 huh?

  17. it is very possible to fall pregnant that old as did the lady who lives in Britian yes she did die during child birth but the baby survived i say it is wrong in the sense that women would put their health at risk but if you can fall pregnant and there are no risks go for it. just keep in mind that you may not live to see your childs 4th or 5th birthday and please make sure you have appropriate care for them when you pass.

  18. its phsically impossible. So yes.

  19. Men can produce sperm up till the day they die, however the quality diminishes with age.

    Though just becuse you can doesnt mean you should...

  20. What are You raving on about who's eighty and having a kid?And who the h**l would want a bloody kid at that age anyway.Grow up.

  21. Women are long into menepause by then and can not give birth. Most women start haveing trouble getting pregnant around 40+ and the risk for trouble is high.

  22. If a soul has decided to incarnate through you then there is a divine purpose to it.

    Right and wrong are meaningless judgments based upon substituting assumptions for truth.

    Blessed be.

    Karma Singh

  23. omg who is saying that someone is having a baby when ur 80 years or older??

    Well im not sure if its wrong their might be birth defects or

    the person might dies

    please answer this:;...

  24. that would be a total gift from god.

    Remember Sarah from the old testament?

    She gave birth when she was really really old.

  25. It is physically impossible to have a baby over like 60.

    Unless you have a great gift.

    So yes, it is gross, and it cant really happen.

  26. Baby from adoption... Yeah.

    Baby from fertilization...

    Terribly not.

    It's best to have a baby around 45 years below because

    your body is still in good condition.

    At eighty, you need to rest.

  27. it isn't possible. and it wud b wrong coz at 80 one cud not care for a baby barley him/herself plus theortically if it happened then it wud b wrong coz child wud b an orphan.

  28. I dont think so. But everyone would think that it is their grandchild. I think that the older they are, the more fit they are to be a parent. But the parents would die very early in the child's life, so they should have a close relationship with other members of the family that are good parents as well. I think it's wrong if you are super young.

  29. Not possible, imbecile.

  30. i idon'tknow if you can say it is wrong?,but it sure-is unfair to thenewchild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!not-only are-they to-old to-keep up with a baby?but their-life -spanis to short-for the child to really enjoy theparent orget toknow theparent?why-not adopt whynotadopt a grown grown-child who grown-childreallyneedsa family would-enjoy parents?

  31. Not only is it wrong but nature sees to it that it doesn't happen.   God Bless.

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