
It just reoccurs to me, is it more expensive to give me to a charity than to give money?

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It is a higher purpose to live for a cause, as living for a cause takes life long commitment.




  1. No.  One of the definitions of "charity" is, "generous actions or donations to aid the poor, ill, or helpless: to devote one's life to charity."

    And that includes Good Will (discarded or unwanted clothing or other items), Red Cross (donating blood or plasma), Locks Of Love (donating hair for use in wigs for cancer patients)...the list could go on.  These are all charities.  And none of them REQUIRE money.  The list is huge for charities like this.

    Clearly, donating monetary gifts will cost you way more.  Give away things that you got good use out of and are ready to toss out.  Since you made good use of such items, it costs you virtually nothing, but it is worth the whole world to the recipient(s) who will continue to make use of your donation.

  2. Yes, committing oneself is much more valuable and altruistic than donating cash.

    It depends on your personal priorities and needs.  Of course you need to provide food and shelter for yourself and your family.  If you do volunteer work and you are never paid, then you won't be able to support yourself and your family.

    If, however, you have a spouse who earns enough money to support your family, and you have someone in the home to care for your children, then it is a wonderful gesture to do unpaid charity work.  It is a better feeling to personally help other people, instead of just writing a check to donate to them.

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