
It makes you wonder...?

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I have just been thinking about this one question I came up with the other day. Could someone give me some insight on what you think?

If our future is predetermined or preordained, do our decisions even matter?




  1. ehhh, once people accept that we have "Destinies" then everything will go out of order. we're fine thinking we have "free will".  

  2. whether or not you do or you don't do anything, it was bound to be that way anyways. if in fact things are predetermined. if you treat your decisions as if they mattered or if you didn't it was meant to be. so i think its best just to treat decisions as if they really did matter. better results that way.  

  3. Destiny and predetermination are c**p words meant to make people feel worthless.  It's a religious manipulation made to make people feel powerless to the desire of the almighty one.  The concept is that even the thoughts you think you thought are not thoughts YOU thought, but thoughts you think you thought that were actually thought by God to determine your life.

    If you think you know your own destiny is to die at 65, so you hang yourself at 20, you may have fulfilled your ACTUAL destiny not knowing it was your actual destiny.  Destiny cannot be argued scientifically, because the theory is that every thought you ever have was programmed from the start.  Deciding to try and defy destiny is PART of your destiny, for example.  If you accept this moronic theory at all, it traps you inside.

    I agree with that one person above me.  Life can be predicted based on probabilities, but not determined. Our lives are our own, and we have free minds to live as we please.

  4. Thing is, you don't know your future, so you can't know.

  5. No. but i believe in the chaos theory.

  6. Certain things are predetermined: birth, death. The rest is limiting but not predetermined. Chaos theory -

  7. Of course they do. Imagine you decide they don't, you go off and do something dangerous just for that reason, and end up suffering in pain for the rest of your life. and though it was predetermined you would die at age say 65, but how you lived was up to you, if you allow yourself to be injured, you would suffer until you die, but if you lived more carefully, you would live pain free, which would you choose? Did I explain that well enough?

  8. The paradigm is that the future is not predetermined. It can be known only in terms of probability. If it were predetermined then any thought or action of every individual would be beyond their control,which seems highly improbable.

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