
It means everything to me. help?

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I live in Indianapolis. Not such a popular city.

I want to pursue a career in acting. I am 15 years

old. I really dont even know how to start. And even

though we're not poor my parents do not have millions

of dollars to spend on agencies and stuff. They might not even

approve, and thats what Im scared of. Sometimes I want

it so bad I cry and think about running to LA or NY. Because

I wanted to move there. I think it will be easier to get noticed

there. And I dont know what to do to get to where I want to

be in life. I know Im young and could wait til 18 and just move

out but I truely want this. more than anything. I dont know

what to do. How to tell my parents and stuff. I have quit alot of

things so I think they wont believe in me. And this is the first

thing I have felt this strongly about.

anyone got advice






  1. First off, I would audition for a school play, or join a theater group that is close to you.  I would sit your parents down and tell them that you are passionate about acting; they might be skeptical at first.  Continue doing plays, joining acting groups, and doing things to show your parents that you are serious.  I would get as much experience in as possible and apply to an acting college.  I'd bet that getting your name and face out into the acting community would be the best chance you have.

    When it comes to telling your parents: Be rational.  If they say, "We're not sure you're serious about this--you've quit a lot of things." don't have a fit.  Don't yell "I am serious, god!" and start going into hysterics and cry.  You have to be mature and calm.  Respond with, "I understand that you have doubts about my commitment, but I'm going to show you that I am serious about this."  Follow through with your actions.  Ask them to sign you up for an acting class.  Since you have quit a lot of things, if you join an acting class you need to go every single time to get your point across--you're committed and passionate!  Skipping a class because you don't want to go will make your parents think that you aren't committed and they won't take you seriously.

    If you join an acting class, You can have your coach be your free agent--maybe he/she will know about upcoming auditions?

    I hope this helped.

  2. first, join a drama club, or theater group..if you havent already....get a taste for everything, and show you parents that you're really passionate for this.....then, suggest a vacation to LA or NY, i would choose LA, but pick either one, and show them how great it is...while you're there, possibly see if you could go to any auditions that you could find....other than yourself, and always have a smile on your never kno when you could get discovered.....i can really say all of this would work, as i wish i could get into the business....and it is very hard.....

  3. well sometimes you have a better chance of getting a talent agent when you dont live in NY or LA bc theres SOOOOOO many aspiring actors that live there and as for your parents the only thing you need to pay for is getting headshots taken and talent agents are free but just explain to them how much you really want this and they should support you but theres always that chance that they wont....but ALWAYS follow your dream and please dont do it if you only want to be famous :D hope i helped bye

  4. Well for one your not alone i to am a fello actor. It is a hard buisness if you cant get work its very hard and anoying. The best thing to do is not to run away but to face it head on talk to your parants about acting and show them you really want to do it. Look around for some plays in theater to get some experiance. If you already have some experiance try going after tv you dont nessasary need an agent to get work. Your acting skills can get you noticed if you are a really good actor and have the skills to make it you will be noticed by someone eventualy by talent scouts dont worry and keep the fath. If this is something u really want then persue it dont leave it too late and if you cant get work now just wait till your 18. Remember the old saying good things come to those who wait. I wish you luck and hope all your dreams come true.

  5. Girls who run away to LA or NY end up as prostitutes because they have no money, no friends, no contacts in NY or LA.  If you just go, where are you going?  How are you getting there?  With what money?  Where do you go when you get there?  Where are you sleeping?  How are you getting food?  Where are you showering?  How, exactly, do you get noticed?

    Do you have any talent?  Done any acting?  There are productions in every community.  Audition.  Almost every girl your age wants to be a famous actress.  Almost none make it.  Girls who run away to NY and LA only get famous for getting murdered.

  6. go to www.

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