
It might be too late, but still...?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike might be too late, since i already picked one of these for this year...but i'm not saying which one. anyways, which is easier, german or spanish? i already picked one but if i tell you, it might affect your choice. so which one is easier...just your opinion...thanks. (:

and no matter which is the best way to study a second language?




  1. spanish is easier i think

    i take spanish, and its not overly challenging

  2. ive taken spanish and ive known ppl who have taken german i think spanish would be the easier choice just because if you ask me alot of german words ive heard sound like all the same so i would get way confused on it the best way to study would be to not go too fast trying to learn it or u'll get confused and also when your at home or wherever try talking the language outside the class room so then you'll be able to hold onto the language because if you dnt really try to use the language every now and then you'll probably forget how to say things

  3. spanish. the best way is to go the country and put yourself in their culture where only that language is used

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