
It my tank ready for a fish yet??

by  |  earlier

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well yesterday i bought a tank and a clerk told me to come back in 2 days to buy a fish...ive seen many diffrent things on how a tank is ready..all i got its a filter,tank,a plant,and rocks its been running since yesterday after noon is there anything i need to buy also so it can be ready for my tank im planinng to buy a betta here is tank i got




  1. For a Betta tank it's generally OK to cycle the tank with the fish in there. Just do extra partial water changes for the first couple of weeks. If you go that way then running the tank empty for 2 days is fine.

    If you want to do a full fishless cycle it's going to take about 4 weeks of adding chemicals and testing the water. For a small betta tank thats a lot of work, just add the fish and change the water a bit more often initially, it will be fine.


  2. u can put ur betta fish anytime u want notin wont happen to it. ur tank is ready for fishs. so yea dont put 2 or 3 betta fish befor they start fighin and killin each other. i got alot of betta fish to but i separate them . i bought a tank . and drinkin water. add 2 drop of chloine. and i wait 2 min and added the fishs in it and nothin happen . had mines for 1 year aready still swimmin.

  3. should cycle it

    read this

  4. no your ready. my cousin got a platic bowl, half gallon poored in tap water luke warm/cold got the beta couple hours after letting the water sit and hes been alive for almost 2 years. she just has some rocks at the bttom and a plastic plant.

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