
It say not eligeble and i lie abouyt my age what i do rong?

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It say not eligeble and i lie abouyt my age what i do rong?




  1. I don't even think you should be using a d**n  computer, look at you, you can't even spell! haha

  2. U rong abouyt teh lie in u age.

  3. What are you talking about?

  4. well it depeneds what the website is that you lied about your age...sometimes it doesn't really matter but for others it all depends..i lie about my age all the time :)

  5. Uh, hello, what planet did you come from?!

    Lying is wrong. What other answer are you looking for?  

  6. what?

    question doesn't make any sense.

  7. As I'm not completely positive about your question, I'll do my best to answer.  

    If you're trying to use a site online that requires you to be a certain age to enter/use.....then you not only have to put your age, but your birthdate.  Be sure you're using the correct year, that corresponds with your answer.

    If you're talking about something like a job careful putting down the wrong age.  If they question it and you can't prove that you're, indeed, the age you wrote down......that could be reason for firing.

    Good luck to you!  :)

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