
It seems USA, Israel and Russia are quite "school bullies"?

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USA bombs Iraq and threaten to bomb Iran. And has bomb Afghanistan. Israel we all know: is the most famous immature country in the world bombing like in Lebanon and Palestinians. But can't dish it out when it comes to Palestinians' suicide bombings. And Russia has bomb Chechenya and now Georgia. Really these countries must LEARN to grow up with this childishness of braggards and bullies. Feedback, please.




  1. unlike usa, russia and israel do not support fascism and genocide of ethnic minorities. unlike usa and israel, russia respects other countries' sovereignty. russia and israel do respect international laws.

    so the answer is "no, not at all"

  2. Thank you, Misty Blue, for making a reasonable point. What some do not care to discover is the fact that Russia, this time, only stepped in in defense of South Ossetia which Georgia had invaded (because South Ossetia has seceded from Georgia)! Georgia wants control over South Ossetia so it can also control the major economic route in the region - the Roki Tunnel / Roksky Tunnel, which facilitates trading between Russia and South Ossetia. The conflict between Georgia and South Ossetia has been going on for years. See links for details about problem between Georgia and South Ossetia:

    South Ossetia -

    About war in Georgia -

    Attack on South Ossetia by Georgia -

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  3. None of the situations are remotely similar.

    Israel is confronted by a group of people whose primary goal in life is to kill each and every Jew in Israel for the simple reason they belong to a different religion.  Whether they're in violation of international law is a subject of debate, since the territory they're occupying doesn't actually belong to any country.

    The US went to Iraq to engage in regime change. Whether or not that was a good idea or not is debatable, but it did not involve taking permanent possession of any Iraqi territory.

    The Russian invasion of Georgia IS a land grab of an existing country.  At first it appeared they only had interest in part of the country, now it looks as if they want to take the entire thing.

    You can criticize each individually, but lumping them all together is a mistake.

  4. With regards to the Ossettians 2000 people were wiped out by the Georgians.Had the Russians not stepped in do you seriously think they would have stopped at 2000?

    I'm not saying Russia are angels,far from it but in this case they were right.

    lllilill... :Israel do not respect International law.They have been famously in breach of international law as regards the occupied territories for far too long.

  5. what they are doing is not a land grab

    it is a military counteroffensive because georgia are initiating artillery attacks and genocide in south ossetia.

    its like US and NATO on kosovo against serbia

  6. Factions within a population get sick of it. They witness friends, relatives getting injured or killed. Their anger rises when they know a person was innocent. They become incensed when they hear the death of an innocent be described on news reports as an insurgent or dissident. They feel they need to retaliate in some way - but they can't fight back as a conventional war because they don't have the resources. And so they become what we call ....terrorists.

    (or the resistance movement like the French against n**i occupation)

  7. They should grow up and learn to settle disputes like adults, with suicide bombings of innocent civilians, crashing planes into buildings, cutting off the hands of petty criminals...

  8. I'm guessing you don't have a clue how small Israel is or you'd think up something better than "bullies".  If you support the Taliban and think we should have simply let them continue to murder their own people, I suggest you move to Afghanistan and try living with the Taliban.  I'm guessing your life would be shortened quite a bit, since you seem to believe in free speech, which would not be allowed.  It seems its the people who continually use their right to free speech like yourself, who would deny this right to others, such as anywhere in the mid-east.

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