
It seems like Almost everyone hates Usagi/Serena/Sailor Moon?

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I think its because she's either the main character, or annoys some people.

My friend said she hates her because of both, but I mean, she isn't the ONLY main charecter..

She's also not as weak as people say she is..




What do YOU THINKERZ about Serena.. Usagi.. whatever.. xD




  1. I never hated Serena. Pfft, she had all the hot lovin' with Tuxedo Mask, that lucky girl! Plus, who else could be admired for tightly wound buns and pigtails and the appetite of a competitive eater?

    I always love Sailor Pluto the most, though...

    Also, Usagi had the most to learn from the experience.  She was the most naive, one of the most superficial...she had to lead in order to learn...

  2. i think she has her heart in the right place but she acts like such a ditz, plus, if u watch dubbed her voice is like nails on a chalkboard, i think she's ok, i dont love or hate a big fan of sailor saturn though...mistress 9 rocks

  3. I like Usagi. People don't like her because she's an airhead and lacks substance. Her english voice actor didn't help, but more in the original Japanese manga and anime than in the dubbed anime, Usagi is REALLY dumb (always failing tests, never studying, has no common sense) she actually walks into walls and streetlights and people and other things, all she ever talks about is sweets, food and boys (later on not boys, just Mamoru/Darien. All the time. Dreaming about dates and kissing him and marriage and what he is doing at that moment and how hot he looks as Tuxedo Mask and wishing he was more affectionate and worrying he might be checking out other girls and wishing she could cook him a nice meal and wondering what he really thinks of her and planning on ways of making romantic gestures to soften him up and imagining him as a blond and a redhead and comparing him to other guys) Whenever there is a serious discussion, she is totally unaware and thinking about cakes and Darien. She's clumsy and ditzy, even when transformed into Sailor Moon. She is a crybaby, and is pretty lazy when someone is not in trouble, shes immature in many ways, and a little silly. She has some great moments ,when her friends are in trouble, or when those around her need her. With the help of her friends, she can be strong, dependable and kind. But that is only a small part of her. Mostly she is an airhead (meatball head) both as Usagi a nd as Sailor Moon.

  4. i think that what really turns me off about usa-chan the most is the voice acting, i think they go a little over the top in making her sound nasal and annoying.  i want to like her, but she just bothers me with the constant whining when she's not being sailor moon.  and i don't just mean the english version.  i also don't feel like i can relate to her because of the way she cries about every bloody thing... i don't know that's my reason.... i think queen serenity is koo though, and but i don't like rini either...  

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