
It seems like it sucks to be a woman, you deal with childbearing & wearing silly & uncomfortable clothes! Is?

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there anything that makes you happy about being a woman as opposed to being a man?

Is there anything besides babies guys miss out on experiencing thats fun?




  1. I'm never having kids and I only wear comfortable clothes. :-)

    There's nothing about being a woman that makes me happy as opposed to being a man. I would be just as happy if I were male; gender is meaningless to me. (I *am* attracted to males, but there are males who are attracted to males, females to females, males to females, females to males, males to both, females to both, males to neither, females to neither: any combination you can think of.)

  2. If i were a girl, i would be like a man....

    a) dress like a man

    b) act like a man

    c) be as strong as a man

    d) and maybe why not?  i would be a L*****n

  3. Man, if I had b***s, I'd never leave the house.  Just staring at myself in a mirror all day... wishing I was prettier.

  4. Speaking of childbearing I delivered all five of mine lying on my side with my leg in the air.  Share yours.

  5. 1) Less gender rigidity when it comes to clothes and hair. Women can wear hyperfeminine clothing, with lace, tights, skirts, etc, put their hair in buns and wear makeup, but there's a stigma against men doing such.

    2) A lot more room for sexual experimentation with the same s*x for heterosexual women. A guy that gets drunk and makes out with a guy is seen as "g*y." A girl that gets drunk and makes out with a girl is seen as "bicurious."

    3) Having b*****s. :D

    4) Being able to have childish interests without being seen as developmentally delayed.

    5) In *general* (but there are ALWAYS exceptions, to everything!) women will have at least one really close (usually female) friend that they can confide in... Men can have best friends, too, but I think it's a different sort of emotional experience, because the woman's best friend is someone you can tell absolutely ANYTHING to... someone you trust at a very deep level. A lot of men that I know have trouble expressing themselves like that.

    6) Because many English classes focus on male literature, and because of the way the world functions, many women learn how to think both "as a man" and "as a woman"-- few men have to learn how to think "as a woman".

    7) Women are seen as more beautiful culturally than men.

    8) Multiple o****m.

    9) Fewer fatal car accidents

    10) More socially acceptable for women to stay at home while their spouse works than for men.

    Some of these things are biological, some are environmental. A lot of them are double-edged swords. But being female doesn't only have disadvantages!

  6. You only see these as negative because you don't understand them. You don't have to go through childbirth, but so many people say it's a wonderful and spiritual, amazing thing to do.

    Periods are good, they show you your body is working fine and they give you a nice rosey feeling in your stomach and make you very horny.

    I don't believe in gdner differences but I am glad to be a woman. Because fo women's liberation we can be whatever we want to be. Wan tot be a tomboy or career girl, thats fine! Want to be girly ad be a housewife, that's fine too. But men still judge eachother far too much. They fear to wear a parituclar item of clothing, or say they don't like beer or football, or want to be a nurse and their friends will mock them for 'not being a man'.

    If those women's clothes are uncomfy, it's because they aren't meant for your size dear...

  7. Is! Is indeed...

  8. Having a v****a.

  9. Having a vag jj is awesome.

  10. uhmmm...dont woman get to choose what clothes they wear? i thought thats how it worked...sorry.

  11. makeup, shoes, pregnancy, v****a's, b*****s, and being s**y are all a plus to me.

  12. Ohmygosh hair make up shopping!

    Having complete power and control in the relationship...haha

    and having a network of female friends - I know men have their mates, but women interact with and use their friends differently.

  13. I liken it to saying 'being a sheep is an advantage/ disadvantage'-depends who you're talking to.

    -- Everything's taken care of for you, you rarely have to think for yourself, the precedent has already been set for you-- yet do you really have any personal integrity or strife? What exactly is your life about?

  14. Childbearing is optional in many places, and so are the sillier clothes.

  15. our shoes are cuter than men's shoes

  16. "Silly and uncomfortable clothes?"

    Well, it admittedly IS a drag having to wear crinolines, petticoats, a bustle, a corset and corset cover, a high necked jacket, a brooch and a hat to work every day. I type this, I'm realizing that if you're actually a cross-dresser fishing for kicks, like I think you are, my sarcastic response is probably giving you the super-jollies.

  17. The power of a v****a.

  18. I don't feel like it sucks being a woman. We choose to wear uncomfortable clothing and deal with childbearing (which I think is a privilege, not a burden). Although the menstrual cycle is not exactly the greatest.

    I'm happy that I'm a woman because it is socially acceptable for me to express my emotional side. Whereas, men have to be "tough" or whatever, no matter what they're feeling. There is a lot of pressure on men to act a certain way, whereas women are pretty much free to express themselves any way they want.

    As far as what men are missing out on...pregnancy is the only thing I can think of. Earlier on in my pregnancy (I'm 33 weeks now) I could feel the baby kick but my husband couldn't. I hated that, he felt left out. Now he can feel the baby kick almost everytime he puts his hand on my stomach but I think he still feels a little bit left out.

  19. It seems like it sucks to be a man, you deal with having no way to know if you have a biological connection to your children & not being allowed to wear silly & uncomfortable clothes! Is?

    there anything that makes you happy about being a man as opposed to being a woman?

    Is there anything besides guns women miss out on experiencing thats fun?

  20. being a woman is just fine....

    wearing silly clothes and uncomfortable clothes is a result of "rules" dictated by human society, they are not part of naturally being a woman.

    and the reason women care for the house cleaning more, or do dishes, or cook and all these things, its not natural too, its again part of these "rules" human society dictated with time

  21. Childbearing is not particularly comfortable for a lot of women, but it doesn't have to be agonising, I had an epidural with my first child and caesarians with the two younger ones.  Except in certain very specific circumstances I am not keen on suffering pain.  And I liked the children once I had them.

    I don't go in much for wearing silly clothing.  I mostly wear stretch trousers and t-shirts or jumpers depending on the weather. In hot weather, like today for instance, I may wear a dress, but they are always comfortable ones. I do wear pretty silly underwear, because my husband likes it, but it doesn't bother me unduly.

    What I like most about being a woman is, in my case, that I get to stay at home with the children and I don't have to go out to work.  I also like certain other things that are more personal.  Things my husband does to me that he certainly wouldn't if I was a man.

    If you are a woman in this day and age, there is absolutely no reason for you to go in for either childbearing or wearing silly clothing if you don't want to.  People have choices nowadays, something you seem to be unaware of.

    for me, being a man would totally suck.  I much prefer being a woman.

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