
It seems like my cat is geting madder at me.What do I do?

by  |  earlier

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It is a grown cat.




  1. What is your cat doing, exactly?

  2. Have you changed anything at home (this includes anything from boyfriend to laundry detergent)?  Are you stressed from work or love life (cats can sense your stress and react "poorly")?  Have you spent less time with your kitty, and he/she is resentful?  Last but not least - has your cat had  physical recently?  Sometimes they can feel sick, and the only way they can tell you is by being ugly to you (got your attention, didn't he/she?)

  3. try and be friends with it again..why would it be mad? just wondering.. be nice to it and talk soothing things

  4. just feed her a spot of tea and she'll calm right down!

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