
It seems like "Race" is going to be played by Republicans & Hillary against Sen Obama!?

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Why? Would that be considered "Racism"? Is that why Hillary said Obama Can't win? Whites is Race important to you?.




  1. are you making a statement, or asking a question?

  2. From the exit polls in the PA primary, I would have to say that race is an issue here.   54% of Dems (who voted for Hillary) said that they would vote for Obama if he wins the nomination, while the other pecentage said they will not vote for him.  They will vote for McCain.  Some of the people polled did agree that it was a racial issue.  Not all the people, but there are some, who are not going to vote for a Black man if he were the Lord Himself walking the earth!!!!  Face it, a lot of this is about race, and there is nothing we can do about that.  Blacks have always had to vote for a white man.  We have never had a choice.  Obama is the first serious candidate that has run, who is versed on the issues, and has a plan.  Maybe some dont like his plan, but he does have one, and is a viable candidate.  If Blacks happen to approve of his agenda, then that is the right of every individual American to do so.  Everyone has the right to approve of McCain, Ron Paul, Clinton, or Joe Blow if that's what they choose to do.  Maybe if Al Sharpton was running, I would be hysterically laughing!!!  Cause maybe I wouldnt want him for president "just because he's black!!!"   To the Whie lady married to the black guy, Well, every one doesnt have to believe the same things.  There are some black guys who wont date or marry whites.  Some will.  Everyone is allowed to have different point of view.  I dont know what her point was by saying that!!!!  No one said that all blacks have to like Obama.  All do not!!!  Plenty of Whites like him too!!! So what's their problem?  Maybe they dont have one, maybe they think he's the solution to our problems as a country.  What will probably happen, though, is that McCain will win, because of race and gender issues.  Lots of people detest the Clintons.  Remember all the scandals?  Remember all the money scandals?  Now I think some of it was bogus, but come on, they've got some really dirty laundry, and everyone knows it.  McCain may be the most moral of the three, but we will see, because, everyone's dirty laundry is going to come out befor Novermber.

  3. Sorry this  question is already in evidence and Geraldine Ferraro, as well as Elizabeth Edwards were both correct (although Ferraro argument was fatally flawed) that if Obama was a white male he would not be receiving this attention.

    It is not racist to point out the fact that he is black anymore than it is sexist to point out the fact that Hillary is a women. That argument can cut both ways is Hillary weaker because she is a women?

    Afterall women are supposedly the weaker s*x. Hillary has proven she has enough balls for the office, my gosh dodging sniper fire as well as keeping Bill's by the night stand. (hence that is why she is up at three in the morning).

    Hillary says Obama cant win because that is what you say about your opponent (she is sort of like Adrienne, you know Rockt's wife. In every movie before a big fight she tells him "you cant win", and although badly beaten Rocky fights back and wins in this case Barack appears to be Rocky to CLintons Adrienne. No wonder Rocky ends up divorcing her in like Rocky IV.)

    Clinton must stick to this argument cause that is all she has and she is losing. So much for he can't win. Hillary thought this would be a cake walk. Her campaign has been poorly executed and she has resorted to mudslinging.

    Now your third question whites is race important? Duh....... Most whites will say race is unimportant as this is the politically correct answer but Ed Rendell, Governor of PA. noted that some white Americans in PA will have a real problem voting for a African American. Sorry to break the news but it is not just PA. Ed Rendell had the courage to say what a lot of whites were thinking. I aint voting for no ______________ (you can fill in the blank).

    Can whites overcome this. Yes, by truely thinking about what is in there best interest and for those who are the average American makin 40K a year this is a democratic ticket no matter who the nomineee. Even if it is Barack Obama.

    Will all whites overcome this? No.

    We have a press/media that is feeding on this notion of race remember at first Obama wasn't black enough and couldn't win black voters. Now he is to black and whotes are scared. Is he a muslim or a christian, even Hillary tred to leave ambiguity there and we have a nation that has not addressed its problem with race.

    So is the race card being played?  Yes.

    Will the republicans play it? Yes. (They did it to there own, in the South Carolina primary of 2000 the republicans put out the rumor that McCain had a black daughter)

    Has Hillary played the race card? Yes.

    Will some whites fall for this? Yes

    Can others rise above it? Yes

  4. 80% of blacks are voting for Obama....based on that race is important to blacks.

    I dislike all three choices. They are professional speakers and liers. The average person is not as jadid as I and therfore actually believe what they say. Sadley I usually am right because I assumme they always have another angle.

    Sorry but I would rather have the quick stop guy who sold me my coffeee for least he actually has a job.

    The president is the rich helping the rich. If that where not true ask yourself why American jobs are sent to China and mexico every year. Who benifits from that? workers or business owners? America or China? Soon we will all work in healthcare, for the Government, or fast food.

  5. Seems to me that racism can be found best where 92% of a race are voting for a candidate of their own color over substance and honesty.

  6. I think to be honest about this it's the democrats that are more about race than anyone. Our society is so h**l bent on this racial BS it disgusts me to listen to anything most people have to say. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are 2 of the biggest racist pigs in America yet they ride on a free pass. If it happens to be a white personality then the big guns come out. Reverse it and hate speach that comes from the black side such as the racist Wright and you dont see anyone on the left say anything unless your Hillary trying to make  yourself a legend. This world is keeping racism alive by allowing pure idiots bring it every other day on TV.

    As for electing a black being white? You Bet! If Colin Powell was in the run I can almost promise you the entier republican party along with the majority of whit people in America would give him the election. Lets go one step further. If it were Condi vs Hillary who would I vote for? Condi in a second. Not becasue of color but because of what each person stands for.

    If Obama wasnt such an idiot and didnt have a masterplan to sink our country worse that it is already I may vote for him.There always will be a % of people who vote on color, afterall, how many blacks are voting for Oboma based on color? The stats show the answer and my only hope is that one day, hopefully during my life, this racist pig c**p will go away so my 2 boys will not have to experience the BS of color.

    Being half and half seems to be ok now in days as long as you lay claim to the black side. I hope my kids learn that its ok to be you, s***w the popular BS and being black or white, it doesn't make you any better than anyone else.

  7. The Clintons have been indirectly, and directly, appealing to racist voters to vote against Obama on the color of his skin since right after Iowa.  They wasted no time.  No matter--she's over with.

  8. Republicans can not use race as a factor because they know, that is no reason to choose whether or not to vote for someone. Basically, it's like bringing something to the table that has bearing on what is being discussed.

  9. nope.  i actually liked Mr. Obama....'til he started lying to everyone.

  10. Lame attempt at finger-pointing.

    Race is totally not important to me, nor is it to my black husband.  But he is not your "typical" black guy either.  Having been raised in the Carribean by his mother and father, he has a strong sense of identity and could care less what other African Americans (or "white" people) think of him. He would tell them to take a long walk off a steep cliff.

    He knows he doesn't have to pander to the AA community as a "Brother." And he thinks black liberation theology is ridiculous.

  11. don't fool yourself here!!!!! obama is using race front right and centre here.  his campaign is almost entirely about race.  he is modelling himself on MLK jr. and coming out with all the stereotypical words about "having a dream..." and so on.  he is playing with people's emotions.  he is trying to gain votes by giving moving speeches about fantasies, maybe noble fantasies, but fantasies nonetheless.  he has no real game plan just WORDS and empty wishful thinking words at that.

    Hillary has the plan, the knowledge, the staying power and the determination to be president.  obama is not your man and he is resorting to cheap tricks and emotions to sway voters who should be voting for the best person not just because they will think they are "cool" and "open minded" because they are voting for a black man or for the blacks voting for obama because he is black.  again, a mistake, because they are judging him based on race and not the "content of his character", job readiness and relevant ideas!  sorry, but this guy just needs to go or agree to be hillary's vp.  that might be a solution.

  12. You right Barack hussein Obama is a Racist

  13. Why would the Republicans beat up the Dems on race or gender? The Dems are already showing America who has a problem with race and gender....and it is the DEMS

  14. Race is unfortunately a big deal in America. Its so subliminal, because the media made a big deal out of his race. Lets not be fooled by all this certain groups are making race a big deal because they did not take Barrack serious but now he is a major contender.  Most people who are complaining about his experience were never going to vote for him anyway so it doesn't matter what to say he says to them. They already have their minds made up. None of the candidates are experienced as President.

         They keep bringing up race because they have nothing else on him. He is a pretty clean politician. People with Agendas know how to get Americans paranoid. The race game is the way to do it.  I don't understand Why Dems let Republicans use Rhetoric like Anti American and Anti Patriot. What gives them the right to define patriotism anymore or less then anyone else in America?  

       He did really good regardless this is America and like the saying goes certain races are privileged its going to be a uphill battle when your not a member of the majority and people have to vote for you.

  15. No but I've tried to live in black communities in the past and couldn't deal with their racists attitude toward me. On the other hand I see blacks welcomed into white communties

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