
It seems like the best hotel deals are the "Last Minute Deals"??

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We're planning on getting away for the Labor Day weekend and I'm just wondering if it would be smart or stupid to wait to look into getting hotel reservations. I've looked around a little bit and the rates are ridiculous right now, but it seems like the "last minute deals" that sites like Expedia and stuff advertise are really low....

So my question is would it be better to wait or do you think I'll be SOL because there won't be anything available at all?




  1. Shopping on travel sites is like shopping with coupons and planning to use your coupon when the store has its own sales so you get the stuff basically for free.  It's worth it if you're motivated and have the time.  Those last-minute deals on travel sites are hooks to get you to book right away.  However, if you already know where you're going, then it is actually a good deal for you.  It's kind of like flying on stand-by, but if the deals are worth waiting for and you don't mind taking a chance you can't get a booking where you want, go for it.  Otherwise, it's better to be safe than sorry.  I'm wondering, though, can you book now and cancel later if you get a last minute deal you want to take?  If that's an option for you, you can beat them at your own game.  In any event, I hope you have a wonderful vacation.

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