
It seems like this baby will never be here!!!???

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Anybody else feel this way right now? I am 37 weeks 4 days pregnant.

3cm dilated and 75% effaced. She is low in the pelvic area.




  1. I feel like that and I'm only 18 weeks.  I've waited so very long for this little one though that I just can't wait to hold him and love him.  We just found out it was a boy last week and it's made me so much more excited.  I know it's not the same as what you mean, your body being ready for the baby to come out.  I'm not to that point yet of course.  Good luck!

  2. While I am not quite in your shoes YET... I already am very anxious to meet my baby girl and I'm only 28 weeks.. so I can imagine how crazy I will be by 37+ weeks!

    But just hang in there... you're SO close and your baby will be here before you know it!

  3. I've had two false labours, my waters have broken a little, the baby is measuring small and is breech so I have a ultrasound booked for Friday and then the doctor will tell me after the ultrasound results that day when I am having a c-section. I just want the baby to come today. I'm sick of being pregnant because I have had alot to worry about. I just want to hold her and know that she is healthy. I am 37 wks 2 pg. Good luck to you!!!! :o)

  4. Ah -- they *never* seem like they will ever come. :)

    But really, not to make you feel like what you're saying means nothing.  It's so much to have to wait for, and it's not easy when you're excited!  (Or, for that matter, when you're sick of being preggo.)

    As a favorite midwife said to me -- "Every woman "cooks" their baby for as long as it needs.  Some women have every baby at 35 weeks and they're fine, others go until 43 and never have problems.  And sometimes each baby has it's own cooking time.  You just gotta trust the recipe and the oven."  

    Odd analogy, but I've found it to be true.  You never really know what the baby needs to finish growing, so you don't want to hurry it up if it doesn't want to be hurried.  

    And I personally know women who have been 6 cm dilated or 75% effaced or having Braxton-Hicks all for the last month of their pregnancy.  (My cousin was 5 cm dilated for the last 6 weeks!)  Annoying to think you are almost done, when nothing seems to be happening, I know.  It's exciting, but not always easy.

    Let your body and your baby run the course they want to take.  Enjoy the rest of the pregnancy (as much as you can, anyway).  Good luck in the upcoming birth!

  5. mines low in the pelvic area and it hurts to bend over to sleep and everything that involves moving :D Youre farther then I am I still have a good 4 or 5 weeks left. I often feel like 'goodness child hurry up and finishing cooking!" Im having a c-section though because Im a high risk diabetic and they dont want to risk stressing him out during labor.  

  6. I wish i was 3 and 75. As of my last appointment i was only 1 (maybe 1.5) and 50. I'm SOOOO ready to meet him. I even keep thinking "____ (lost mucus plug, contractions, dialated, effaced, you can fill in the blank) happened so I should go into labor soon." But I keep telling myself that he'll be here when he's ready. I just wish he'd be ready like last week. lol. Good Luck and Congrats!!!!

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