
It seems that i can't add people to my friends list..??? does anyone know why? don't receive invites sent

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It seems that i can't add people to my friends list..??? does anyone know why? don't receive invites sent




  1. For the invites that get sent out by group owners that can have to do with the way your options are set up overall on Yahoo Groups.  Go to the section of Yahoo Groups"Manage" at the top part of the menu to the left side of the Yahoo Groups homepage screen and then when you get there go to the upper right part of the screen.  On that right side is a section for E-mail Preferences where you can change the setting to allow or disallow invites to other groups.  If it shows that the "allow" feature is off click on "Edit" and click to allow it.  Then click "Save".

    On the inviting people to your friends list this sounds like a technical issue with Yahoo Messenger and the way it loads.  I would recommend getting in touch with a Yahoo Messenger customer service representative as well to see if they can help figure out what could be causing the problem.

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