
It seems that our physical bodies limit us -- but is that reversed?

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I just read this quote and it seems otherwise.

"During life then the average person functions consciously in two worlds (physical and astral) at the same time. This means that after death his functioning power is reduced 50% for he only functions consciously in one world. Therefore, to the average man death is a great limitation for it deprives him of half of his conscious functioning."

Written by JJ Dewey,

Any thoughts either way? Do any of you astral travelers have any insights into this?

Thanks ~




  1. I have know hundreds of people who claimed to have special abilities but not one of them was ever able to pass a single test. No one ever moved a match by telekinesis or was able to read my mind or able to astral project into a room and read a word on a piece of paper. I did meet a great magician once who was able to fake it, but he told me it was all tricks. I don't know if there is life after death, maybe, maybe not. All I know is that living people are physical creatures with bodies and the supernatural stuff is made up by people desperate to be more, but lacking the conviction to get off their duff and do the hard work.

  2. in some sense is truth,the limitation,but that will be entilted

    to people who does not cultivate their spiritual strenghts

    in this plane,or in other words.,believe in the after life!

    Life... is like a box of chocolates. A cheap,    

    thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever    

    asks for. Unreturnable, because all you get back  

    is another box of chocolates. You're stuck with  

    this undefinable whipped-mint c**p that you      

    mindlessly wolf down when there's nothing else    

    left to eat. Sure, once in a while, there's a    

    peanut butter cup, or an English toffee. But      

    they're gone too fast, the taste is fleeting. So  

    you end up with nothing but broken bits, filled  

    with hardened jelly and teeth-crunching nuts, and

    if you're desperate enough to eat those, all      

    you've got left is a... is an empty box... filled

    with useless, brown paper wrappers.              

    - Cigarette Smoking Man

  3. I think that it would be the opposite, that without the cumbersome burden of the physical plane, the astral plane could be enhanced to the point where no functioning would be lost whatsoever.  The power of the mind without the mundane demands of the body would be phenomenal.

  4. I think he has absolutely no evidence for his claim that we live half on the astral plane.  Also, that he has no evidence that the astral plane exists at all.  So I think it's all bullshit.  But feel free to prove me wrong, win a million dollars, and open up a whole new field of science in a 10 minute demonstration of your 'astral traveling' ability.  Just go here to find out how.

  5. Thats an excellent question. When I have out of body experiences I still see myself in my body. Perhaps the difficulty is in not having that body thereby making it more difficult to experience certain aspects of my state. For example my five senses. How do we see without functioning eyes? How do we hear without functioning ears? For example if you read Sylvia Brown she mentions that in the afterlife we have difficulty understanding the living because we speak verbally rather than telepathically. So in a sense I guess JJ sees for example that we can currently "hear" both astral, telapathic communication and physically feel, verbal communication(keep in mind that sound is physical vibration we decipher as words or noise). When we die we lose one of those. Excellent question though. It's been awhile since I have felt truly challenged by such a question. Thank-you.

  6. I think there are many theories. Until we have mastered the technological ability to speak to and recover or even capture the human spirit,  it seems to be more of a myth than a reality. There may be energies and forces around us that can absorb these or even destroy these such as a lightning strike etc. People who make any of these wild claims just seem  to be delusional anyway. If there is any truth to it, we'll eventually find out as well. Supposedly we are like batteries that keep our life forms functioning from processing various fuel sources. Some might believe that a person in a comma is on standby or absent from their body.You would have to read about those who have had out of body or life after death experiences.This isn't proof either but interesting reading.

    Also look into remote viewing which is supposedly similar to astral traveling or out of body experiences. Here are two sources of remote viewing/viewers.

  7. The astral world is an imaginative fairy tale for the New Agey grown-up. No one's ever seen it, no one's ever been there, and no one can demonstrate it exists. Dewey's quote is ridiculous.

  8. A gymnast, say, or any other athlete at the top of their form, at the very pinnacle of their abilities, would argue that their limitations are mental, or astral, if you will. My body limits me, but my body is not trained and tuned for performance.

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