
It should be written as a composition?

by  |  earlier

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i have a project and one part of the instructions state that i have to write 10 questions and answer them all. But the next part says i "This should not be in question and answer form, rather it should be written as a composition. It should be 3 pages in length." I'm not too sure when they say write it in composition form and 3 pages in length. Can someone explain how to write it in composition form, like some examples please?




  1. Like the other person said, this really only works well if the questions all relate to each other.  It might go something like this...

    Imagine your friend writes you a letter, and tells you everything going on in their world, and at the end, is obviously looking over your last letter to them, and asks, "So, how did the surgery with your brother turn out?  Did they figure out what the problem was?  Did they get it all taken care of, or do they have to go back in?  And how's your mom doing since having her pacemaker put in?  And whatever happened between you and that boy at school?  Did you ever tell him you like him?"  

    Then, of course, you'll write back, with a paragraph or two about your brother, and then a few lines about your mom (unless something exciting has happened), and probably 15 pages about the boy at school ;-)  

    More academically, you'll frequently see this multi-question approach when you start looking at scholarships: they'll want you to answer something like, "What would you tell our next president, if you had a face-to-face meeting with them?  What goals do you see as most important to the country's future, in the short term as well as the long term?  What would you point out to them with regards to our foreign policy?  Would you advise them to pull out of Iraq?  If so, when, and under what conditions?"  

    You would then answer this in an essay.  One way (a way that seems likt it might work best for your situation) is to repeat the questions within your essay; you can use them as the topic lines (the first sentence) of each paragraph.  In fact, extending the example with the president, I might write something like this...

    What would I discuss with the next president of the USA?  I would raise [Issue 1 -- such as, "the immediate needs of the USA"], [Issue 2], and [Issue 3]....  

    [Issue 1, in the form of a question - such as, "What do I think the immediate needs of the USA are?"] -- and then answer that.  "I think we need politicians to do this, that, and the other..."

    And so forth.  Pay attention to the flow between paragraphs; make sure it does flow from one paragraph to the next.  Feel free to rearrange things until they flow better.  

    Good luck!

  2. It sounds like instead of just listing the questions and answers they want you to compose an essay style paper w/ the questions and answers embedded.  This would only work, however, if all the questions related to the same thing and you could answer them in an essay w/ flow, ya know?  I'm not sure; you should ask your teacher to clarify or get in touch w/ some classmates to see what they think.

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