
It straight pool, do you win if you sink the 8 ball on break even if other balls fall?

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It straight pool, do you win if you sink the 8 ball on break even if other balls fall?




  1. In "straight pool", also called 14.1 rack, the object is "not" to break open the rack but to drive two balls to the rail and bring the cue ball back behind the line giving the incoming player as hard an opening shot as possible.

    Say the player runs 14-balls. The 15th ball is left on the table as the other 14 balls are racked. The shooter has to make the 15th ball and try to break open the rack so as to keep making as many balls before missing.

    That continues until one player reaches the total number of balls they agreed on before the match began.

    Hope this is helpful.

  2. It veries if you play with at home or out as long as you dont scratch on that break you do.

    I play vnea league and i play it teo different was usually its not a win but at the other league it is a win.

  3. Straight pool as in Eight-ball? I don't think anyone can sink the eight-ball if it's positioned correctly in the center on the break. That's the purpose of the placement.

  4. no object of straight pool is to get to certain number of point (balls down) no have an object of certain ball down. i believe u wanting 8-ball which if u get 8 on break in most places its rerack or spot (shooter decides) some people play it as a win so decide before you play what it is. when ever I'm playing someone new i always go through and discuss certain common house rules.

    8 on the break

    ball in hand or in the kitchen

    calling shots or slop allowed

    then if any other discrepancy comes up try to come to an agreement or have a independent 3rd party (bartenders or waitress's both usually helpful

  5. Straight pool as opposed to g*y pool?

    Yes, sinking the 8-ball on the break = a W.  Unless you scratch too - then you are just a weak little loser.

  6. yes

  7. no you do not, the eight ball must be the last ball you sink after you clear you team, either stripes or solids.

  8. If by "straight pool" you mean 14.1 Continuous Pool, the 8-ball has no special significance like it does in the game of "8-ball".   If you're referring to normal bar pool which is probably 8-ball, you'll find the answers here...both "yes" and "no", depending on the rules you're playing.   But don't expect the majority of bar bangers to have ever actually read the rules...most don't even know the difference between a scratch and a foul!

  9. Yes, as long you don't scratch, too. And yes it IS possible, I've done it myself. Also had it done to me.

  10. I usually play crooked pool so I don't know.  Perhaps Mike Siegal or Johnny Archer would know, but I think they are 9 ball champions.

    Joking straight pool, the object when breaking is not to smack them hard.  It's best for you to read the rules.  Here they are:

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