
It sucks being 15?

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Hey im a 15 year old girl in high school and it kinda sucks cuz i dont get to do a lot of things. i dont have a car or a job cuz im not old enough. I always see all these pretty girls that are liek in thier 20s and that get so much attention from guys. i wish thatll be me in the future. i dont really get hit on much and those girls i see are so pretty and guys are all over them. i feel like such a little kid.....




  1. Welcome to your mid teens...I remember being fifteen and how much it sucked for me...but honestly, you don't need all of the attention that these 20 something year old's are getting...I know that what I am about to say may make your eyes roll, but seriously....the only thing that you should focus on is school and what you are going to do in the future. There are so many teens out there who give up on themselves and let little things like looking pretty and being "cool" get to them to the point where they don't do their schoolwork let alone concentrate on what they are going to do in the future.

    I spent a lot of time concentrating on school work in high school and got really good grades...I planned out what I wanted to do with my life and stuck with it, no matter how "lame" or "stupid" it was...since I stuck to what I believed and wanted to do, I am going to college this September to become what I want....besdies, all of the mean things people said to me are gone because they will now be working in jobs that they hate for the rest of their lives while I go to school and get an education.

    You know what else is interesting? It's a great feeling too... being admired for who you are, your confidence, your happiness and kindness...and not just because your hair looks so pretty today. I noticed through out high school and during my part-time job that I was unique...but I was proud of that. I was unique because I wasn't like most other teens who only care about boyfriends/girlfriends, cars, cell phones, bla, bla, blaaa...I was interested in making the world a better place and to take care of myself...

    Once you start to plan out your future and see what you can do to get there, you won't be "such a little kid" anymore...

  2. i know how you feel dear, im 18 and i have alot of older freinds, 19 to 25, i wish i was old as them cos they get to do alot of things i cant.

    But lookin back at your age, i wish i did more then, and enjoyed being 15 , i was always worried bout getting older, this and that. I say you should just love the age your in now.

    You will become 20 and beautiful smart and funny, but in 5 years, do as much learing as you can babe!

  3. I bet you are a beautiful girl.

    I'm a fifteen year old girl as well,  guys think they want this big boobed blond haired bimbos when what they really need are girls that will keep their feet on the groud because they'll need it later on in life.   Just wait, guys  will come around. (: Trust me.

  4. find a way to get money

    then save it

    get your hair done

    get your nails done

    go shopping

    be more outgoing

    then you'll feel better about urself

  5. I'll be 16 in almost a month. Honestly, I wish I was turning 15 again. Enjoy it.

  6. heyy im 15!

    the only thing that sucks about it is not having a license and its hard to find a job :(

  7. I feel the same way and Im only 13, I can't do much and I feel like such a little kid..

  8. You're made to feel like a little kid by a society that keeps from you all of the things you talk about. Legitimate work. Driving. Financial independence. Proper romance with people of your choosing.

    Do something about it. You can, indeed, "put yourself out there" a little bit to get noticed by guys. Believe me, someone is looking at you. It doesn't matter how cool you think you aren't - you're 15 and female, someone is looking at you, wishing that you would deign to look back.

    You can do something about the rest of it, too. There are non-profit groups out there fighting for the empowerment and independence of young people. Join up and do your part!

  9. well do something about it then

  10. Being fifteen only lasts one year! Enjoy it!

  11. You are a kid still. Don't rush it..  The ones you  are talking about  are probably the ones on here asking about what to do now that they are pregnant.   Enjoy being 15 and innocent.   you will grow up soon.

  12. and what's wrong with being a kid Mo?  I'm 24 and will always be a big kid.  I never really liked the idea of having guys hitting on me, so maybe I have a diferent perspective.  Let your self be you, and don't worry about it.  Your turn will come, and beauty starts on the inside

  13. Hun, Put yourself out there then Just don't go wild!! Be creative and guys will notice you, a Job and car will come at one step at a time, Just give it time!! Good luck
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