
It there a glitch in the points for this week?

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What's up with the points?

I am pretty sure that I only have a few points for this week, but I noticed that I have over 100 points which is rare for me at this day of the week.

Did the points from last week carry over or did not reset, it is just me or what?

Does that mean that there will be a lot of TC Badge holders for this week?




  1. you may have to repay it soon.... lol

  2. maybe there was.  i can't get rid of this d**n tc in my badge.

  3. Really? Too bad.. I'm late for it. Anyways, at least it's an additional points and not a deduction. I hope the hardworking YAPpers will be happy and contented with it. Imagine.. free 100 points! lol

  4. Yes looks like it. My points weren't reset as they are normally. Yahoo seems to create more glitches when they have their coffee breaks.

    As for the increase in TC Badge holders I don't know if the glitch has anything to do with it or whether its some other external influences.

  5. the more the merrier.  will be happy for everybody's success

  6. i thought i was the only one who noticed. i dont know if there are glitches. well, it's better this way. heheh

  7. Y!A forgot to reset the points.  Should have happened around 2:00AM Monday (my time - CDT) but it did not.  With their countless coffee breaks, you would think they'd be all alert and not miss a routine task.  I guess someone must have slept on the job.

    Or could this be the new system now?  Like resetting will be done once a month.  Maybe Mr. Jonas could enlighten us.

  8. I have 200+ points early this week... I checked if I have 20+ best answer to answer the lurking Q, but not that much best answers either. So conclusion...there could probably a glitch or its a miracle!=P

  9. There could be.  Points have not been reset for this week.  I guess Yahoo is into one of their maintenance thing; if not, updating something or other that it forgot to reset points for the week.

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