
It there a reason why members of the McCain camp don't know about Palin's foreign affairs experience?

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Tucker Bonds, a McCain spokesman could not think of one important decision she has made.




  1. Hmm, she admitted she has stayed focused on state issues, she doesn't know much about national or international issues and said so herself on more than one occasion publically.  Let's hope McCain doesn't die or something.

  2. please! obama has a two week vacation to europe and one day in the least violent section of iraq! she deals with russia on a daily basis,commands and controls the state national with billion dollar budgets and her state has a 25 billion dollar cash what has obama done again?

  3. She has zero experience. Senators must deal with foreign affairs as part of their legislative duties, so Obama trumps her hands down.

  4. They don't know because she has no foreign policy experience.  The only thing that she brings to the table is the issue of drilling offshore because she is from Alaska.  The only other note worthy thing is that she has more executive experience than Obama, other than that she has nothing that can help us mend the broken relationships with foreign countries.  

  5. This is why TV is so awful for political information.  No wonder Americans are so badly informed in politics!  8^P  You could see Tucker absolutely refuse to answer the question.  She gave him chance after chance and each time he tried to change the subject, to weasel out.

    Does anyone really expect an ex-mayor, 1/2 term governor to have foreign affairs experience?  Only the federal government does foreign affairs.  If a governor did foreign affairs it would actually be -illegal-.

    Jon Stewart had a clip on yesterday or the day before. I forget who it was but he was saying that since she was governor of a state that is right next to Russia, Palin had excellent foreign-policy experience.  I don't  know why more Republicans haven't picked up on this.  8^)

    It amazes me how 'experience' is so important in this election, especially to Republicans, when GW Bush had absolutely no experience in 2000.  One term as governor of a state where the governor doesn't actually -do- anything.  And before that he never made an honest buck in his entire life.  Why is experience so important NOW all of the sudden?

  6. That's _almost_ as good as the Obama supporter who couldn't name anything important Obama had ever done.

    Fortunately for the U.S., Palin is on the bottom half of the ticket, so we have a viable choice in November.

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