
It took me years but takes her a day? WTF?

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okay so i go to a catholic elementary school (K-8) and im in 7th grade. it took me about... 5 YEARS to get popular and hard work, and so this new girl comes along this year, and its only the second day of school and its like she knew the popular girls her whole life! WTF? HOWD THAT HAPPEN? lol. stupid question.

btw, she already has INSIDE JOKES with my friend!!!! WHAT?!




  1. Thats what it's like in my school. i guess people just like it when new people come along?

  2. don't be immature.

    she obviously has better people skills than you.

  3. When kids are new, the popular crowd looks at them and accepts them or not. It happens a lot. Unfortunately when I was new, I wasn't accepted but now I'm friends with some of them. Then there are other kids who were accepted immediately.

  4. uhm I really dont think being popular is good. It just shows that some people need attention, im in 8th grade and the preps at my school have been popular ever since I started going to school with them 4 years ago. But their popular for the wrong reasons, their popular because everyone hates them cause their whores and no one likes popular people. my advice, dont be popular. be YOU.

  5. The new girl already has attention before she gets there, everyone knows there is going to be a new girl in the class so they want to impress her or be her friend. It's natural. I wouldn't get all jealous about it though, she's not trying to steal any of your friends or anything. She's just trying to MAKE friends, how would you feel if you were the new girl? So try being her friend(:

  6. haha some people are just faster and different. it took me 6 years to be who i am now, and im going to middle school so imma have to start all over with my rep but some people who are new just get all da fame. peopel are just different, tahts all i have to say

  7. i see nothing but a green eyed monster in you. its not her fault that she makes friends easier then you do. not to be rude to you but if you spend more time  working on your self and less time worrying about the new girl maybe you could be friends with every one, not just the popular girls.

  8. im in highschool and im kinda popular but thats only because i talk to everyone. maybe thats what the new girl did too

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