
It was OK for John Kerry to be a duck hunter?

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I don't recall Leftist criticizing Kerry for shooting ducks, but they criticize Sarah Palin for shooting moose.




  1. His war crimes should have kept him from ever being free again, let alone having the ability to own a gun.

  2. Haha, yeah at least he can refrain from shooting someone in the FACE!!!!!

  3. Of course, because its not something that they think she should do. See, I have found out that most women from the left that are feminists are only willing to support women that are Democrats. If its a republican female then its not their problem.

    Its a situation I find to be very hypocritical.

  4. kerry shooting ducks was an ill conceived political ploy to garner votes (bad), while palin shooting moose is a lifestyle (worse).

  5. That was one of my main reasons for not voting for Kerry in 2004.

  6. Hunting is the least of my issues with Palin.  Her views on education are a much bigger worry.

  7. Go ahead and let them criticize her about that.  She's able to do something those wuss's can't.  It's their vicious attacks on her children, including a Downs baby that appall me.  Their true colors are if we didn't know.

  8. Everyone knew John Kerry was never a duck hunter. Everyone knows that Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama are both anti gun extremists just like John Kerry. For them to make believe they were hunters is just plain silly.

    And the more the leftists whine about Sarah Palin for owning and shooting guns the better for America.

    The leftists are handing this election to McCain/Palin. The more they attack, the dumber they look.

  9. Probably because Kerry has never shot a duck in his life. That was just a photo op

  10. Ain't that a kicker.  In Alaska hunting is probably more of a lifestyle than a sport. It also helps on the cost of groceries.  They always got to find something to bit-ch about, I think she rocks.  

  11. he did not shoot the ducks.  he simply pretended to shoot the ducks, so that he could pass the man test.  kind of funny really.

  12. Yes, it is. Kerry doesn't want to duck hunt from a helicopter using an assault rifle. If Palin doesn't get that law pushed through, and has to hunt the traditional way, then I'd support her right to hunt.

  13. man, jimmy carter....there was a quality president...hahaha yeah right

  14. no us leftists also critized Kerry for pulling publicity stunts like that to try and appeal to gun lovers.

  15. The radical left is probably one of the most vicious mean spirited groups of people who have no problem lying,promoting rumors, or what ever it takes to get their candidate elected.  

  16. Or Cheney for shooting lawyers!  I mean quail...


  17. The difference is, Sarah Palin is a woman and a conservative.  She has lbeat liberals at their own game.  She is strong, SELF made, independent and a real reformer, not on in name only, like Obama.  She wasn´t EVEN seeking the high office like Hillary and their you go, it was handed to her, sour grapes indeed!

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