
It was a beautiful day when i found myself up on top of large tower with a cement floor...?

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It was circular and my brother was up there with me. We we talking about the view, and i pointed out to him that you could see a whole mountain range off to the west, and a few more mountains off to the northeast. I marveled at them for a minute. Moving on and looking down over the edge, a feeling of nervous anticipation flushed my body. I saw a polar bear and a deer (both injured) laying on top of a glass ceiling below that was partially broken. The polar bear was still trying to grab the deer as if to eat it. I watched for a minute more, the bear made a larger lunge, broke through the glass, then another level of glass, then finally i heard the thunk of solid ground. I did not feel anything at that time and walked back into the body of the tower, meanwhile people were crowding over to where the noise came from. I ran into an older lady i apparently knew who told me she had borrowed 4 quarters and 2 dimes from me. I told her not to worry about it, and walked away...Thoughts?




  1. This dream seems that it might be political to me.  I'm just kind of guessing here, but I wonder if the bear and the deer represent political candidates.  We did have a couple who "broke the glass ceiling" this time.  For Hillary or Obama to compete in the primaries as a big leap, and for Obama to win the nomination was also a huge break in the "glass ceiling" that so aptly describes the barrier to women and minorities "moving up" the corporate or political ladders in our society.

    I've not yet figured out which is which, though.  I keep thinking "polarized" when I think of the polar bear.  I guess Hillary is the more "polarized" of the two candidates.  People are assuming a lot about Obama's views.  But.... it's even possible the bear is McCain, and the deer is Obama, now that the primaries are over.  I can see Obama as the deer who broke the glass ceiling, and McCain, of course, was already up there, being a white male.  I'm trying to understand if the bear went UP or DOWN in your dream.  It sounds as if you had a superior perspective, looking down on the action.

    I'm wondering if 4 quarters adds up to one year, and the two dimes are two months.  

    I have to admit I'm REACHING here, but I find this VERY interesting.  Sometimes, it is better to brainstorm a dream with the dreamer than to just try to interpret it on my own.  This is actually preferable to deeper understanding anyway... the dialog.

    This dream could just be something personal with you, but if it is, it's apparently none of my business, because I'm not sensing any guidance in that direction as I pray about it. (Added later):  If it is about you, it has something to do with promotion, the proverbial "glass ceiling," competition in some environment where people want to be promoted.

    There's another tower dream I'm also pondering over, so that makes this one doubly interesting.  It seems to be political, also.

    I also saw you other dream where you climbed higher than the others.  It seems you are "moving to a higher level" in some area of you life, where your friends cannot follow.  Is this happening in some area of your life?  Job promotion?  Education?  Insight?  Spiritual growth?

    As you progressed, you met others you knew, and even friends, especially the one girl you were close to.  I hope this has been the case for you in the real life scenario.  It sounds as if you are expanding your boundaries and getting a broader view of things.  Does this reflect what is happening in your life?

    Pray for wisdom.

    God bless you,


    P.S.  Oh, I know you are open to personal interpretation, or you would not have posted.  At times, I can get embarrassingly personal.  What I meant here is that since God isn't giving me insight into any personal matters here concerning you, HE must think it's not my business.  But that doesn't mean He won't send someone else along that can read more of what is in your heart and mind!  But, who knows... sometimes I get insight when I should be sleeping, and have to get back up and add more!

    God bless ya!


    P.S. Again!  No, you don't need to kill your compassion.  

    That's what keeps you human and makes life worth living.  Perhaps this is a warning that you ARE killing your compassion and you need to realize that and work on not doing that.  Also, when you freeze your emotions (whether it is compassion or grief or whatever) you freeze them all.  When you kill your ability to feel compassion or pain, you kill your ability to feel joy or love also.  You'll be just stone, walking.  You'll be depressed, and you'll do harm to everyone you meet by your lack of human warmth.  You'd be a walking dead man.

    What do you get out of the old lady and the change she had borrowed?  Maybe she's saying you need change.

    A FUNNY THOUGHT:  If the old lady is offering you change and you are refusing it, maybe you are a Republican. ;- )

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