
It was my birthday yesterday so here is a joke?

by  |  earlier

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A Lion and a Virgin walk into a Bar,

'This place looks a familiar' said the Lion, 'do you think this is the same place we came to last year?'

Don't be ridiculous' said the Virgin, 'Lions can't talk, and why am I naked just because I'm a Virgin? Whoever heard of a naked girl walking into a Bar and not causing a riot? Who was it who thought up the link between nudity and abstinence?'

Just at that moment a Mouse walked in.

'I was walking on the other side of the road' said the Mouse, and I saw your Virgin and felt I just had to cross over and enter your Bar' (actually he had to say it about five times before they heard)

Don't try to out-surreal a talking Lion' said the Lion, 'we know you're really meant to be a Chicken'

'You think this is bad' said the Mouse, 'in my last joke I stayed in an apartment so small I got round shoulders'

Well I think he's lost it this time' said the Virgin, 'just because malcolmgriggs's birthday falls on the 24th he thinks he can make up stupid jokes about Lions and Virgins. It just gets worse every year. Have you seen the gunk that guy comes out with? (in a silly voice) ''have you ever skimmed off the top of 'Arts and Humanities' just to glean a bit of culture and then put someone right about the memory storage of a data stick in 'Consumer Electronics' ni ni ni ni'' I ask you. And this time he's a day late. Where's the sense in that?'

Hey that was pretty good' said the Lion, 'a bit more up to date than last time'

'I can ad-lib'

'This is all very well' said the Mouse, 'but it doesn't help us to escape from this stupid joke. Where on earth is the eject button? Has anyone seen any 'Exit' signs? I'm starting to fear having to repeat this year after year'

'There's not long to go now' said the Lion, 'hopefully this time he wont mess up the ending. What was I supposed to say last year? Oh yes, I remember now. It wouldn't surprise me if he got hit by an airborne 'apathy with Marxist curiosity' bug and the whole joke just tails off without any punchline'

Just at that moment.....oh I can't be bothered with this. Why should the Proletariat rule until the establishment of a classless society anyway?




  1. This joke was a bit odd, but it did have a naked girl, so I guess it's all right.

  2. I understand what its about but why wasn't the joke told since they had already walked into the bar.  The little mouse was cute though.    

  3. And then that damned dog ran out in the street in front of my car again! Every day he does the same thing. So I tried and tried but I couldn't get the icecream cone out of the bathtub! Stupid IRS always ruins everything...

  4. Ouch!  My IQ just dropped!

  5. Hope all the inmates brought you a nice cake for your birthday!

  6. are you still hung over from yesterday? or maybe still drinking

    ...i dont get it

  7. it funny, but i dont get it?

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