
It was once said that Michael Buffer gets 1 million dollars just for giving pre-fight intros and saying "Lets

by  |  earlier

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get ready to rumble" in an exciting way........................................

Is this true or just a rumor?




  1. yes its true

  2. Closer to $100,000 for the big PPV's.

  3. He would be over paid if he got a hot dog for his announcing.

  4. I don't buy that, I think I heard $100,000, which still seems high, but much more reasonable than $1,000,000.

    According to the Boston Herald, it's $25K

    Granted, these are the same people that told us the Patriots taped the Rams' Super Bowl walkthorugh, but I'll take their word on this one.

  5. He gets between 1500.00 and 2500.00 plus expenses no where near the 100,000 mark sorry to burst your bubble

  6. I seriously doubt they pay Buffer six figures to announce, that has to be a rumor.

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