
It was said mars was going to be seen closer to earth together with the moon on 27/08/2008. Did it happen ?

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It was to be seen at 00:30 hours together with the moon on 27/08/2008 accross europe. I could not see it. Did it happen?




  1. A circulating hoax.

  2. Mars would have to come within 2 Lunar distances before it appears the same size in the sky as the Moon does, since it's twice as large as the Moon is.

    (one Lunar distance is just under a quarter of a million miles)

    It never gets closer than the 30million mile marker, though, which is still way too far to be bigger than a dot.

    The original article that spawned this "herald of autumn" hoax festival said (confusingly to many) that in a telescope, Mars would look as large as the Moon does to your naked eye.

    I wish I'd owned a telescope then because most of the time, it's damned boring to look at through a basic scope like I have.

  3. No.  The hoax you received was based on a misinterpretation of a reporter who "misspoke"  during the Mars opposition in August of 2003.  It was the closest Mars was, or will be, for the lifetime of anyone around today, but it remained so distant, even then, that it was incredibly bright, but it's apparent size with the naked eye was still just a pinpoint of light.  This e-mail seems to circulate every year, and someone just changes "2003" to "2004, 05, 06, 07, 08..." before forwarding it around the internet every summer.  

    The truth is, Mars is currently almost as FAR AWAY from the earth as it can get...  i.e. nearly all the way on the opposite side of the sun in its orbit.

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