
It will cost me 36000 to attend DeVry for my associates degree. Should I just go to a community college?

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Im thinking of going to a community college for my associates then attending DeVry for my bachelors. Or should I just go to DeVry? Your help is appreciated. Thanks.




  1. Yes, you should attend a community college. Colleges like DeVry and University of Phoenix are for profit universities, meaning that they do not receive money from whatever state they are in. That all their operating costs and faculty salaries are paid for by you. The quality of education at a local community college is much better and you could transfer to a four year college where as if you suddenly decided that you wanted to go to a four year college all the work you have done at DeVry would not transfer. Also community colleges are cheaper. I go to a community college in CA for $20 a unit. So it cost me about $300 a semester not including books. I hope this helps.

  2. I go to Devry and I really like it. I think that you will get a much better education going to Devry than a community college. So it would be worth the extra money right?

  3. I attend Devry and I would not enroll for an associates. Yes Devry is very expensive and for associates just attend a cummunity college or technical school if you are looking at a electronics or computer science program. Devry has either a love/hate relationship with it. Devry has a very open admission policy and that is where many people get messed up in. The course work is long and tough and the professors will help you but you are expected to keep up with the pace and not skip a beat.

    The other thing is that Devry has no student activities or anything like that. Most students are working students and are already employed in a related field. The classes are offered are either electronics/ computer related or business related. The other thing is no breaks you attend year round with only two 10 day breaks one in the winter around Christmas and one in early July.

    Your BS will run you right at $59k at Devry but if you can offset that cost by attending a community college go ahead. Depending on what program you are looking at I would focus on calculus 1 &2 along with you english courses.  

  4. The two best investments are a four year degree and a home, they on average will make you more money than anyother investment you will make.  If you go to a community college which is totally fine, just remember most of the people will not be as motivated as you, because the majority (90+ percent) of community college students never get a bachelors.  So if your very self motivated the JC would not be bad other wise, go to DeVry.

  5. Go to community college, then go elsewhere.  DeVry is VERY expensive and looked down upon in many industries.  You will be much better off getting your education elsewhere.

  6. Yes, yes oh god YES! You should definitely go to a community college over devry. There's a reason 4 year universities accept credits from community colleges and not Devry. Devry is not accredited, but more importantly, Devry is a publicly traded company, which means it is BY LAW REQUIRED to act in the best interest in it's SHAREHOLDERS as opposed to its customers (students).  

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