
It wont turn out brown!?

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Every time i try dyeing my hair it wouldnt turn the color that i want. My hair is pretty much very dark brown and i want it to be brown. I leave it on for about 20 minutes ( what the instructions tells me) but still my hair just gets alittle brighter which no one can notice. Does any one know what i should do to make my hair the color that i want.




  1. I would say that you have to get a lighter shade of brown to dye your hair. Since your hair is naturally a dark color, it won't do much. Or if you don't know how much lighter you should go for the dye, then i would just say get like a bunch if brown hair dye and keep dying your hair.  

  2. when you mix the two products together you are mixing a pigment with a developer and it is the developer that lightens your hair . If you want one level of lift you would choose 6% , two levels 9% or three levels 12% .

    However the more levels you lift the more red and yellow pigment you expose therefore to counter this 'orange' colour , so often arrived at with asian hair , you must select the correct pigment to go with the desired developer.....this is called a counter colour and is literally BLUE!.....if you have to little counter colour nothing happens , too much and your hair goes blue. So an experienced hair colourist is the only one to know the correct amount to add.

  3. go to hair dresser

  4. I know this sounds damaging to your hair, but it works. Dye it a lighter color, and then dye it a lighter color than that.

  5. I KNOW!!! i would get it professionally done...although its not soo good for your hear...but owell

  6. leave the stuff on for longer or get a coulpe hades lighter than what u really want

  7. I would really have to see what color you natural hair is.  It sounds like you're either not leaving it on long enough, or your hair is so dark that the color you're choosing doesn't have high enough volume to lift it.  Try one volume up (if you're using a 5 try a 6 etc.)  And definately leave it on 10 mins longer than they say.  If this doesn't work, highlight your hair a little with bleach, then apply the color you want. This will give you different tones in your hair,  Good luck

  8. u really should get it professionally done...itll turn out the best.

    but get a color lighter than the color u want. since your hair is soo dark leave it in longer than the directions tell u. cuz sometimes if u dont leave it in long enough it will get that orange tint.

    on alot of boxes they show on the side...that youll only get the color on the front if u have lighter hair...

    always look at that and look at the darker color and go by what it says it would turn out as...u cant judge by the color on the front. it never looks that way.

    i use to give my sister highlights from a box and those colors always turn out really well, so after we tried dying her hair a few times and it did work, we bought the highlights and instead of putting streaks we put the dye on her whole head...and it turned out.

    so my advice to u is to do that...find a color in highlights and then dye your whole head with it...

    good luck =D

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