
It would be better if tv had never been inbented?

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  1. I agree with fireball.  I think families would be closer, we wouldn't have all of this celebrity chaos, people would spend their time wisely. It's like some people just watch TV and let their life pass them by. The comment about the news give me a break I don't know about your city, but my city it's more life Reggis and Kelly not the news they have time for recipes and celebrity stuff it's like who cares and they don't even report the truth over here. You have to watch news in Europe to find out what's really going on because they give you both sides. US media only shows you what they  want you to know.

  2. No,television has lots of uses to us like giving us information that happens around the world through news anchors.It is also use to educate many children in a program called E-media in the Philippines.Anything can be good or bad to us it depends on how we use them.

  3. That seems to be more of an opinion question. I oppose that assertion for several reasons:

    1) TV accelerates the dissemination of news and information vital to the conductivity of a fast paced nation

    2) The popular media is a multi-billion (maybe trillion) dollar industry employing thousands of people and providing entertainment to millions more.

    3) Advancements in broadcast and cable television have also paved the way for other technologies to be readily available, such as the internet and cell phones. At the very least, it encouraged competition between the mediums so that progress within the technology could be made faster.

    There's more to it, but that's a good start.

  4. americans wouldn't be so obese, people would spend more time outside, families would do more together, and many more reasons

  5. well while its not good that kids are becoming all fat and lazy from watching tv all the time, tv i think is also good becuz it alerts us to wats going on in the world (the news) and for some ppl thats the only way for them to know wats going on.

  6. I hate things that are inbented-- would rather they are straight.

  7. no because not all people can afford to go watch live sporting videogames on ps3 and my kids are not fat they play sports its up to the parents to keep thier kids healthy, not fat!

  8. No.  However, someone needs to invent a spell checker.

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