
Italia** (mi piace Italia!) =)?

by Guest58437  |  earlier

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Buona sera, io sono di Stati Uniti e chissa se ci sono qualunque molto recomandato posto lei potere avere. Grazzie! scussa mi scarso italiano**




  1. ciao!!!!io sono italiana!!I live in Florence..è bellissima!!!!Ti consiglio di venire a realtà tutta la Toscana è meravigliosa....

    un bacio da firenze!

  2. Can you post your question in English? If you look for places to visit, the most interesting cities are Venice, Florence and Rome.

  3. parli inglese? (Do you speak English?)

    Si! è una città stupenda..è affascinante è bellissima!!!!!!

    (It is a beautiful is fascinating is beautiful !!!!!!)

    Ciaoooooooooo <*-*>

  4. Ciao.. i'm italian, but well.. that thing you wrote is really difficult to understand, even for me.. =p ehehe.. but i think you meant "goodevening, i'm from USA and i wonder if there are some good place you can advice to me. thank you, and sorry for my bad italian" =p eheeh.. i think the correct one should be "buonasera, sono statunitense, chissà se avete qualche bel posto da consigliarmi da vedere in italia. Grazie, e scusate il mio italiano" =p ehehe.. however.. i think you wanted to post this question to Yahoo.Italy, but i think i can advice you some places.. well, i'm from Turin, and it's  areally nice city... expecially over the hill, is so great, there is a wonderful sightseeing.. then of course, you could visit Florence, Venice, Rome and ligury, expecially the "cinque terre" (five lands), that are Manarola, Vernazza, Monterosso, Corniglia, Riomaggiore... try to search some phots of them. it's a really great place.. i spend my summer holiday there..


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