
Italian Lineage?

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Could someone tell how to Identify Italian Lineage by surname

if you can tell me how or find the lineage of the names "Menchini" and "Burdi"




  1. I believe you would need a bit more than just a surname.  As in English, many different people share a common name, and are not always related.  You would need to know first name, and possibly what city or village that person was from.

  2. For example, the name "da Vinci" indicates that the person comes from the Italian village or town of Vinci in the area around Florence, Italy. The "da" means "of" in Italian.

  3. dude, to know the italian lineage, it is more than just a name. several people in italy have the same names with the aristo ones and yet, they share no blood relations at all. and since the names/surnames of the people in italy implies where they came from, its hard to trace the ancestral roots of their family. you might as well look for an expert on this one. im part italian myself but h**l, i can't even trace my mother's roots in italy, all i know is that she hailed from lecce, italy.
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