
Italian Statute of Limitations?

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What is it. I want to know because of its impact on the jail sentences of the police officers involved in violence at the Geneva G8 summit.




  1. The time change according to the penalties provided by law

    The new rules about Statute of Limitations (= prescrizione del reato) provide that the time is equal to the penalties maximum provided by law or six years for delitti (more or less =felonies) or four years for contravvenzioni (more or less =misdemeanours), whichever is higher.

    Statute of Limitations doesn't applies to crimes punished with life sentence (death penalty doesn't exist in Italian law).

    Some acts in criminal proceeding stop this time (it begin from 0), but, as general rule, criminal trial doesn't put a stay in it.

  2. statute of limitations for what exactly???littering?rape??fraud???

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