
Italian Stereotypes?

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I'm part Italian and I would know what people think of Italians.




  1. I think Italians are one word s**y. I love the ones with dark features, such as brown eyes, dark hair, s**y darkish skin.  

    OMG there was this half Mexican, half Italian guy in my Geometry class, He was so FINE.

    And my first love was Italian so I love them very much :)


    Stereotypes I've Heard:

    -Love pasta

    -Loud and "ghetto"

    -Family Oriented

    -Italian men love black women

    -Italians are s**y

    -Italian men are very touchy and open about their sexuality

    -Italians are loving and caring people


    -Italian men think American women are easy

  2. alot of italians ive met are racist and alot in prison run with the brand aryan brotherhood

  3. They have uncles in the mafia drive mopeds. Bake pizzas and pasta as their main meal. Tanned brown eyes and hair which is curly.

  4. um.

    1. italians MUST know how to speak italian.

    2. italians have "those funny accents"

    3. italians sleep around.

    4. italians hate blacks.

    5. italians only eat pasta.

    6. italians are high maintenance.

    7. italians are good looking.

    of course, those are just stereotypes.

    i've yet to meet an italian who has treated me like c**p because of my race, acted like a w***e, eaten ONLY pasta, or spoke fluent italian.

    most of my true italian friends do have accents though. i think they're cute.:D

  5. In the Mafia

    Loves Pasta



    Use alot hand gestures


    Those are the most common I've heard.

  6. -In the mob

    -Talks with hands


    -Lives with parents till the age of 40

    -Fat,loud mother

    -Cocky(yet s**y) guys

    -Likes to dress well

  7. Some stereotypes of ITALIAN AMERICANS that come to mind...

    1. From NY or NJ

    2. Mafia

    3. Tight family bonds

    4. Very ethnocentric

    5. Loud

    6. Use hand gestures a lot

    7. "Bada boom, Bada bing!"

    8. Flashy clothes and jewelry

    9. Women die their hair blond

    10. All Catholic

    11. Love all Italian-American crooners like Sinatra and Perry Como

    I dig Italian culture though--love the Olive Garden, Ferraris, like playing Canasta...The guys are pretty cute, too.
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