
Italian Translation Question?

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I'm hoping to get my parents a welcome mat for their new home. I was hoping to have it say something like "Welcome to Our Home" or "Come in, Eat!" or "Welcome To The Moreschi's". Can anybody help me translate? Thanks!




  1. " benvenuti a casa nostra "   -  " entrate, mangiate !"  - " benvenuti da Moreschi "

  2. "Welcome to Our Home" is "Benvenuti a casa nostra" or you could also just write "Benvenuti" (that's "Welcome" ).

    "Come in, Eat!" sounds ugly horrible in Italian and you shouldn't  use it (but if you want do, it's "Entrate,mangiate").

    "Welcome To The Moreschi's" it's "Benvenuti dai Moreschi".

    However I would  suggest you what is mostly used here in Italy on the welcome mats namely "SALVE" that means "hello".

    Is very familiar,less formal and everybody can remember this word (and it's also the easiest for you to read).


  3. There is a wonderful site that can translate ANYTHING for you - the site is:

    I used it when teaching public school and had parents who only spoke Spanish.  You can just type what you want to say and select the languages to translate's very simple!  :o)

    Hope this helps!

  4. I lived in Italy for about a year a long time ago but I'll try to help.

    Welcome to our home---- Benvenuto alla nostra sede

    Come in, eat---- Entrada, Mangi! or manga maybe.

    Try an Italian/American dictionary but I believe these are correct.

  5. Welcome to our home = Benvenuti a casa nostra

    Welcome to the Moreschi's = Benvenuti dai Moreschi (if Moreschi is your parents' surname). NOT "da Moreschi". You say "da x*x" if x*x is a public place like a pub or a shop. You sai "dai x*x" if x*x is a family name.

    Come in, eat! = Entrate, mangiate (but I don't understand...why you have to say them to eat when they came in? Maybe "eat" has in English a different meaning from to eat food?? I'm sorry, my English is not so good)

    In Italy usually on doormats we have "Benvenuti" that means Welcome, but both "Benvenuti a casa nostra" e "Benvenuti dai Moreschi" are nice I think.

  6. i'm a real italian -even though my dad's english-

    welcome to our home should be translated 'benvenuti a casa nostra'

    'entrate, restate per cena' means 'come in, stay for dinner'

    'è un piacere per me che voi siate qui' means' it's a pleasure to me you to be here'

    'welcome to the moreschi's? is translated ' benvenuti dai moreschi'... but it's not very frequent to say a similar thing...

    good luck!

    ps in italian good luck is 'in bocca al lupo!'

  7. "Welcome to Our Home" Siate i benevenuti nella nostra nuova casa!

    "Come in, Eat!" Entrate e Buon appettito!  (Gustate i vostri piatti preferiti)

    or "Welcome To The Moreschi's" I Moreschi vi danno il benvenuto!

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