
Italian.What advantages can a tourist have if he/she can speak Italian in Italy?

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Can you give some examples, thanks

Extra Question 1 ) Are all Italian museums have both English and Italian explanations next to the paintings and sculptures?

Extra Question 2) Do you appreciate tourists making attempts to speak Italian to you ?

Thanks, Grazie




  1. then, I am Italian and speaks Italian in Italy certainly do a good figure, also because in some bars, restaurants and pizzerias do not know how to speak English.

    ASK: Are all Italian museums have both English and Italian explanations next to the paintings and sculptures?

    ANSWER: yes, there are tour guides who speak English, is just ask ...

    ASK: Do you appreciate tourists making attempts to speak Italian to you?

    ANSWER: No, no thank you, but you would certainly a good figure, I assure you!

    (Sorry for English, but I used the google translator)

  2. Dear friend , yours is good question..And I try to answer you. 1) for museums no problem ..Every are bi-lingual english people feel like home..(But is better to buy a guide -book)

    For question number two..Is different..We like that foreigners try to speak italian..we know that it is hard .but we appreciate also if many make a lot of mistakes..We are much patients towards visitors..( In my town arrive 2 milions a year from all the world) But we prefer that you speak your native tongue..Speak slow and with elegance..Education is the best card of all the world !

    Hallo from Francis - town of Florence -Italy

    Hour 15.30 on 15 August Florence is hot but today is raining..

  3. Really any thing with guides in it will have people that speak not only Italian, and English , but others such as French, Dutsch, German, and a few other languages. Also in the restaurants and shops and cabs they almost all speak good enough English because tourists do make alot of their business.

    Extra Question 1) I went to the Sistine Chapel and the Vatican and such things and there really were no written explanations, because most everything there that is historical has guide's, or even in the Vatican there were voices in the P.A. system as you walked through in different languages including English.

    Extra Question 2) YES... they will appreciate it if they know you took the measures to learn some of their language just as they do of yours. This is about the only benefit a tourist could have from speaking Italian. Some Italians though have fun talking to people in English, and maybe you can ask them what some words mean. When there ask many Italian what prego (pronounced pray-go) means, you will probably hear it multiple times and you will never get the same definition hehe.

    Buona Fortuna (Good Luck)!¡

  4. when traveling to Italy it is a great advantage to know at least some basics in Italian . Although Italians ( the younger generation) learn a couple of years of English in school , they seem to have a hard time speaking it well and if they try , you will probably have a hard time understanding them because of their heavy accent .

    Italians are very open minded people and love to meet foreigners in their country  . They do appreciate very much if this guest tries to speak Italian . They will be very helpful and nobody will make fun of you if you try taling to them in Italian . This is actually the best and fastest way to pick up the language .

    The advantage of knowing some Italian is undoubtedly that you can socialize with people , make friendship much easier  , get along in shops and restaurants without the usual frustration , if you can´t make yourself understood . It will make your stay so much more pleasant .

    Museum in big cities like Rome  , Milan or Florence will have bi-lingual explanations next to paintings and sculptures , there will even be an English speaking  guide . In small villages you can not expect to see or hear any English explanations .

  5. that's a smart question..

    if i'll come in usa is it better if i speak english?

    if i'll go in japan is it better if i can speak japanese?

    most of the museum have both english and italian explanations but the italian one is always better and longer than the english one.

    yes we do appreciate if you try to speak our language, in most of the case it means that you are not the usual white american who come here to get drunk, be noisy and disrespectful for our culture.

  6. I agree with Roger 21.

    I prefer that English-speaking people speak their native tongue.

    But, please, speak slow.

    If you have patience to speak slowly, everyone understand you. Please, remember that you are speaking to people who speak English as a foreign language!

    See you in Italy!

  7. 99% of museums in Italy have Italian and English (if not more languages) explanations next to the paintings and sculptures.  I'm American but live in Italy...and I work in the hotel business.  It's always nice when the tourists speak or at least attempt to speak some Italian.  It shows they care, and at the same time understand that not everyone speaks English.   I've noticed that when the tourists speaks a little bit of Italian, the Italians tend to open up and be a lot friendlier.  An example of this was last year when I went to the American Consulate in Florence for my passport.  I was in line with a bunch of Amercians who only spoke English. Well, the police officers weren't mean but they weren't buddy-buddy with them either.  They would answer their questions, but that was about it.  When it was my turn, one of the police officers asked me what I needed in English....when I answered him in Italian with the words, "Good morning.   If you prefer, you can speak to me in Italian.  I just wanted to ask.....".  Well, you should of seen the smile on his face.  I'm positive the other Americans never saw them smile.  Italians don't expect you to speak perfect Italian, but as I said before a few simple words and phrases are very much appreciated.  Ciao and have  nice time in Italy.    

  8. To tell you the real truth, I work in a hotel in Rome, and I simply can't stand foreign guests that don't even ask if I speak their language and approach me directly in English... I mean, obviously it's useul for me to be able to speak foreign languages, but this doesn't mean that I have to; so believe me, any effort in this way is really appreciated!

  9. they might give you a slightly bigger ice cream. !!



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