
Italian artist....London?

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For an Italian artist what are the best areas in London to propose his works to galleries?

If you have names of galleries let me know.




  1. Where you propose your work does not depend on your nationality so much as on the kind of work that you do.

    For example, are you a traditional, figurative painter or sculptor?

    You should try a certain type of gallery which tend to be in the West End.

    Are you a more conceptual kind of an artist, perhaps a video maker? Then maybe galleries in the East End would be the best place for you to try.

    However, having said that, please keep in mind that being Italian is not that attractive to buyers and galleries in the contemporary art market, which is now very much oriented towards the emerging artists of the East.

    In any case, generally speaking, English galleries prefer to show local artists, that is, artists that live and work in London or in England. This is for many reasons: they want artists that have come up through the local school system ( and therefore already have a pedigree of sorts ) , artists that have been "screened" and approved by local curators... in a word, artists that are reliable, have staying power and will not disappear. Also, importantly, galleries want artists with a solid clients' base, that is, artists that will bring customers to the gallery.

    I don't mean to discourage you at all, but if you reframe your ideas on presenting your work you will save yourself a lot of time and disappointments. So the first thing you should know is that very few galleries in Lindon will give much consideration to someone who walks in with a portfolio under his/her arm or sends slides unsolicited. The best way is to be introduced by a curator or an artists' agent.

    If your work is good and strong, you will find galleries wanting to represent you!

    So go around galleries in the different neighborouds, buy a copy of Time Out for a comprehensive listing, or check sites like

    And a final piece of advice: perhaps you should ditch the idea of a gallery, forget all of the above, and check out Saatchi fabolous site, where you can start showing right away!

    In bocca al lupo!

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