
Italian kitchen blog and help

by Guest61564  |  earlier

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i opened some time ago a blog about italian cooking.

i've been very busy and didn't update it for a while but now i'm on the road again and very interested in suggestion mainly about 2 things:

if my english is enough correct to let people understand recipes and what kind of italian recipes foreigners would like to see on it.

thanks a lot for helping me, this is the blog




  1. You write very nicely! You might check out some words or phrases you're not sure about with a naturally speaking English person.

    Americans still have not adapted to metric and grams need to be converted to cups, etc.

    It's spelled chicken 'thighs'!

    Nice recipe, I think I'll try it!

    Sorry about having your 'molar' pulled.

    Am I the foreigner or are you?


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