
Italian words and there meanings?

by  |  earlier

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  1. try searching for translations on yahoo

  2. ...Whatever you do, don't call a man any of the following:  un ruffiano, un cornuto, un finocchino.  You could call him an uno ben armato but if his wife or girlfriend is standing next to him, you better run real fast.

    And for heaven's sake, don't call a woman any of these:  una puttan, una bagascia, una fica pronta.  If you're a guy looking for a good time, ask for a un assatanata.

    If you're a chick and some guy grabs your a*ss, just yell "Brutto buzzone, figlio d'una troia, non mi toccare il culo!"  That should straighten him out fast.


  3. Go to

    To the right of the search button, there are 3 links. The bottom one is "Language Tools". Click it.

    Google will translate from most languages into most languages.

    It doesn't work with slang or misspelled words. Also watch out for masuline/feminine words, it messes that up sometimes, too.

  4. Hi, I'm italian and many word you can read in answers you receive didn't means anything in italian language. Some are french, some spanish and other are stupid words.

    You need to know:

    Ciao = Hi

    Buongiorno= Good morning

    Buonasera= Good evening

    Sono Americano= I'm american

    Vorrei una Pizza= I would like a Pizza.

    Ragazza= Girl

    Ragazzo= Boy

    Città= Town

    Noleggiare= To rent

    Quanto costa= How much money

    ...and so on.

    If you need something else...

  5. Birra=beer. This is the first word you have to know.

  6. U need a little more, most gets lost in the translation...

  7. abiding  adj ligio

    abiding (abiding belief) adj incrollabile (fede)

    abiding (imperishable) adj imperituro (durevole, imperituro)

    abiding (lasting) adj duraturo (durevole)

    abiding (law abiding) adj rispettoso (della legge)

    .ability (skill) nf abilità (capacità)

    ability (power) nf capacità (abilità

    able (skilled) adj abile (capace

    abnormal  adj anormale

    abnormal  adj innaturale (innaturale, anormale)

    abnormalities  nfpl anomalie  

    abolition  nf abolizione above (overhead) adv sopra (non appoggiato a)

    above (previously indicated) adj suindicato (sopra menzionato)

    above (previously indicated) adj suddetto (suddetto, sopra menzionato)

    above (previously mentioned) adj summenzionato

    abroad (a field) adv lontano da casa

    abroad (beyond the sea) adv oltremare

    abroad (broadly) adv in modo vasto

    abroad (in a foreign country) adv all'estero

    abroad (out of the country) adv fuori dalla nazione

    abroad (outdoors) adv all'aperto (fuori)

    abroad (outdoors) adv fuori (all'estero)

    abroad (overseas) adv oltremare

    abroad (widely) adv ampiamente

    abroad (to go abroad) n estero (l'estero)

    absence  nf epilessia

    absence  nf lontananza (assenza)

    absence (all) nf assenza (generale)

    absolute (complete) adj assoluto, completo

    absolute (pure) adj assoluto, puro

    absolute (unlimited) adj assoluto, illimitato

    absolute (philosophy) nm assoluto

    absorb  v immagazzinare (assorbire)

    absorb (incorporate) v incorporare (assorbire)

    absorb (take in, engross, etc.) v assorbire

    abstain  v astenersi

    absurd  adj assurdo abuse (improper use) nm abuso (uso improprio)

    abuse (insult) nm insulto

    abuse (maltreatment) nm maltrattamento

    abuse (to insult) v insultare

    abuse (to maltreat) v maltrattare

    abuse (to use improperly) v abusare (usare male

    accelerate  v. int. accelerare accept (accept for a purpose (e.g. a risk)) v accettare (per un obiettivo)

    accept (accept for a purpose (e.g. a risk)) v prendere (accettare)

    accept (admit in a group) v accettare (in un gruppo)

    accept (admit in a group) v ammettere

    accept (admit in a hospital) v ricoverare

    accept (general) v accettare (gen)

    accept (hold as true) v accettare (un concetto)

    accept (respond affirmatively to (e.g. invitation)) v accettare (rispondere affermativamente)

    accept (to accept a religion (meaning to follow as own)) v adottare (accettare)

    accept (zool: sexually accept) v accettare (zool: sessualmente)

    access (admittance) nm accesso (ammissione, entrata)

    access (entrance) nf entrata (accesso)

    access (to enter) v entrare (accedere)

    access  v accedere (entrare)

    accident (accident, mishap) nm incidente

    accident (fortuity, chance) nm caso (avvenimento fortuito

    accommodate (adjust) v aggiustare accompany  v accompagnare (generale account (bill, bank, also fig) nm conto (banca, ecc)

    account (description) nf descrizione

    account (report) nm resoconto

    achieve (attain) v conseguire

    achieve (reach) v raggiungere (ottenere)

    achieve (complete) v realizzare (completare)

    achieve (obtain) v ottenere (raggiungere una meta)

    aching  adj dolorante

    aching (aching) adj sofferente

    aching (missing sth or someone) adj che sente la mancanza di

    aching (that causes ache) adj che provoca dolore

    acoustic  adj acustico acquire (general) v acquisire (generale)

    acquire (to develop) v sviluppare (acquisire)

    acquire (to learn) v imparare (acquisire)

    acquire (to take on) v acquisire (una qualità, una notizia, informazione)

    acquire (to take on) v prendere (acquisire)

    across  prep dall'altra parte di

    across  adv dall'altra parte are some you can contact me if you want/need more..................

  8. manga-eat!

    Mota Bella- beautiful movement

    You can find words easily by using any search engines, try seem to have better results.

  9. That could take a while, go to

  10. Vada a ottenere tutte le parole che desiderate.

  11. Online translation devices are horrible.

    Please do not use them since they cannot determine the context which you mean.

    Go to:

    It's an online dictionary that seems to work pretty good for me.

    They also have links to other sites for learning Italian words

  12. Bada Bing...Right on!

  13. just the right time- my housemate is an italian, and they teach me some words.

    How are you? - come stai.

    very good- pene kazzo

  14. bonjour como' tale voi' means in english hello how ae you

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