
Italians especialy but every1 is welcome to answer what do you think about the comment below about godfather!?

by Guest59533  |  earlier

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Is a false picture of the italian society....

oh by the way if you meant to be might find it strange that here in Italy is not that famous...i have noticed that most Uk or Usa people knows this film (so they can feed their racism) say the truth is not so well known in Italy...

we got some other kind of "mafia movies" which are more near the real problem and dont brush all the italian people as to be linked with the mob....

First of all it seems very popular with the English speaking Italians. And it isn't popular in Italy because it is an English and not Italian speaking movie. The vast majority of American and English people are not racist so i don't really know where he has got that idea from!

Thank You and good night :)




  1. Great movie, enjoyed all the follow ups too.

    Reality ? The Mob has moved along since and in Italy it’s more “localised” anyway and Regionally branded (Mafia/Sicily; Camorra/Naples; Drangeta/Calabria; S.Corona/Puglia). In Italy the top shows are more reality driven and, to be honest, scary, because you readily identify. The “new deal” in Mobs operating here are now less Italian (Chinese, Russian, Balkan), so Hollywood should update it's image perception.

  2. The movie is a romanticized look into 1940's-1950's Cosa Nostra life in the United States.  It is based on a book by Mario Puzzo.  It don't think it portray Italians or Italian-Americans as bad, I never got that from watching the movies so I don't know why some people would say that.

    PS:  JUST WATCH THE MOVIE ALREADY!!!  Watch Parts 1 and 2.

  3. I don't agree just when the user says here in Italy it's not that famous: it's actually one of the most famous movie ever...

    But I agree on all other points. The main difference between an American and an Italian movie about mafia, is in Italian ones mafia-members are ALWAYS seen as plain bad guys, criminal people who are a cancer inside society, not to be imitated. In American movies like The Godfather, although criminal, that kind of mobsters are described in romantic and appealing way.

    And, I'd say "of course", American movies are "entertainment", Italian ones are movies about how organized crime affect society.

  4. Uh that's funny because most Italians (not just Italian-Americans)

    that I know like The Godfather. We Italians are not proud of the Mafia you know.  I don't like war either but that's not gonna stop me from enjoying Saving Private Ryan or the Deer Hunter. Frihah I could recommend plenty of older movies to you.   The Godfather is about a Sicilian American crime family based out of New York anyway. This guy's full of s***.  He probably believes Italy has no problems at all and everything is just peachy. Pinguino's right. American movies do tend to glorify the bad guys.

  5. it's a well know film in know.. we use to pay actors who give theur voice to films so we can understand all films without satyng all the time reading...

    it's a film, but mafia exist and it's right to know this to fight it, not ignoring it... .... beside this, not all italian are involved in mafia of course (are all american dumb and fat? think this of american,do you know?)...

    i'm italian and i really don't care if people think that i'm mafiosa just because i was born in italy... i was born in the best place on the earth, best art, best food, best fashion, best place, best style of life...

  6. Interesting opinions above.

    I would say that, in my opinion,:

    - that movie is not at all a picture of the italian society;

    - in Italy it's famous among Italians interested in artistical movies; other Italians don't know it as well as Visconti or Fellini or Antonioni's works;

    - the idea that all Italians were linked with the mob is obviously silly; till recently, in Italy many people thought that all US citizens were fascist and war lovers; does it sounds like an intelligent idea? any country has such silly ideas about other countries; I don't know why,

    - the movie speaks of mafia, of course, but behind that it speaks of power (why and how to get it(Godfather I)? where does it bring you (Godfather III)? - to defend one's own freedom, by force and money at a first level, by knowledge at a second level! to the h**l on earth); maybe, that's why a tape of it was found in Saddam Hussein's home?

    - criminal organizations are still a big problem in Italy (read "Gomorra" by Roberto Saviano);

    - it's true that many italians like criminal organizations and work with them (we have several reports on this in Italy), but most of us feel and think it's a cancer;

    - it's true that criminal organizations are always hated in the italian fiction; bad and good are clear in fiction! but several italian artistical movies try to go deeper and express more complex ideas;

  7. Mafia has always been a problem in southern Italy. Especially in Sicily and Calabria. I went to Italy twice and I talked to many people from Sicily, they're tired of that 'hatred' against them.

    Nowadays, there are strong laws in Italy - in the past, mafia was a serious problem.

    About 'Godfather', a very good movie but don't believe 100% in it.

    Movies can give a dark vision about something but as we all know, smart people doesn't need to watch a movie to know or understand a society.

  8. The Italian government & Italian cultural institutions should severely criticize cinema that degrades it’s culture and people. Furthermore, the same entities should not applaud and laude those Italo-American that make such movies.

  9. One of the most important rules of the mafia in the US is that you cannot be a member unless you are 100 percent Italian.

    So, its only logical that all mobsters in American mobster movies are Italian. Its not a racist manuever,  its just an element of the movies that follows the culture of the topic.

    Mob movies are very popular in America because they are very entertaining and exciting. Whether or not they are accurate isnt really that important to us. Some people feel that it is an intentional insult to the Italian community that gangsters are portrayed as Italians, but it is simply part of the story. Real mafia gangsters in the US ARE all Italians, because they dont let anyone else join. Its not the fault of the movie producers or directors that this is true.

  10. The Mafia is a exclusive organization and only Sicilians can join but it does not mean that Italians are racists.


    mafia is in the south of italy (sicily, sardinia,naples, calabria)

    in italy " the godfather" is one of the most famous movie.

    an other good "mafia movie" is "find me guilty"

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