
Italians vs. americans?

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im going to be an exchange student in Italy starting september and i was wondering what some things are that are big no-no's in italy, but we do it casually and everyday.

basically anythings\ along those lines are what im wanting to know






  1. Ciao, I'm italian, from Turin...

    Well, i'm not sure what you mean with no-no's things, but well,

    we have many common things..

    We love party, we love having fun, so, you just be friendly, and don't worry that you'll have a wonderful time!!

    We are really warmly and friendly with foreign people.. I'm agree with Mery76...

    Abd agree to the girl who told that guys are so hot!! we are!! ehehe =P

    naa joking... just have fun!!


  2. be yourself, everything will be fine

  3. Hi, I'm italian and we don't hate americans.

    For us is an onor having some people americans.

    Don't worry, you will be welcome!


  4. Italians vs. Americans? We're many things in common

  5. Hi Caitlin, I'm Italian and I've been an exchange students to the U.S.. On my experience I can tell that basicly no one can tell for sure what is a nono, it depends on the context. You  just need to observe what other people do and, if you're not sure about something in particular, just ask the people you trust (teachers, host family,...). I'm sure that if you're flexible and openminded to the new culture, people will appreciate your efforts and notice your good intentions.

  6. Don't wear white socks with black pants!  Hehehehehe.  Just kidding.  Just be friendly and don't talk loud, get drunk every night, compare Italy with the US every 3 seconds, etc.   Try speaking in Italian instead of expecting everyone to speak English to you.  Don't get upset if they don't speak perfect English or any English at all.  Etc. etc.  Enjoy your time in Italy.  

    I'm American but live in Italy.

  7. hi!!! I'm from Italy and i can say you that there aren't any particular annoying behaviour that we italians use to attribute to american people!! You have just to stay cool and be friendly!!!

    An advice: greet always people with kisses (2 or 3) on their cheeks!!'ll appear definitely italian!!! ehehheh

  8. Americans tend to be very loud and Italians are loud too, but in a different way. Imitate the locals in your being loud! Other than that I think you'll get on pretty well in Italy. In case you are of Italian heritage DO NOT go around saying you're Italian because that annoys us a lot!

  9. Im not sure bout the big no-nos in Italy, but i can tell u that the guy are REALLY Hot!

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