
Italy Pleae help me with this?!?1?

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Is there any where else in the world that has the same characteristics as Italy?




  1. for the climate, they say New Zealand is alike, due to their geographic position

  2. I am italian and I think France and Spain have some characteristics as Italy.

  3. I 'm it doesn't exist, and we have all that you want!!! culture, food (and not only fast food as in usa), sea, a great weather....

  4. from an environmental and climate point of view Italy presents almost  all world aspect, iven if a little country, you can find polar climate on the alps, due to the  high mountains and glaciers,  continental in padana plain, mediterranean along the coasts and in southern regions, sub tropical in sicily and southern sardinia, you can find also many volacanos, every type of woods, italy has got the half of all plants species in the world

    but italy is unique in the world for the richness of culture and art and hystorical centers, it has got more than 60% of all art UNESCO sites

  5. nope I lived here and I;ve traveled all over teh EU and has never found a place that is anything like Italy.

  6. Southern Spain and the south of Italy have much in common in terms of people's humors, Mediterranean diet, sea culture and agriculture.

    Greece.... The Italians say "Greci, Italiani una razza una faccia": "Greeks & Italians - one face one race". Of course this literarily  means that the Greeks & Italians have similar physical characteristics but it also means that the Italians come from the Greek "race".... This leads us to believe that if they look alike they are also similar of character. Of course this saying is always heard in the south of Italy.

  7. Short answer: No.

    Long answer: Northern California, from the San Francisco Bay Area northward: Mediterranean climate, good for seafood, grapes, wheat, temperate vegetables.

    Southern California is more like southern Italy: arid, warmer, close to semi-tropical.

    Other Mediterranean countries include southern France and Spain, Greece, Lebanon and Turkey.

  8. In some respects only its immediate border areas.

    As it is Italy stands alone & is undeniably a unique country with its art treasures, classical musice, history, universally aclaimed great hereos e.g. its adventurers, scientists engineers of bygone centuries together with its culture customs and practices.

    Only its cult religion and ancient (still practiced vendetta creed) marrs its heritage

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