
Italy Tour Sites?

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I'm goin to Italy this summer for a month, and I just want to see what kind of sites I could go see? like some famous ones, and if possible anything on like gothic stuff. You know those gothic houses, or something mysterious. I don't, websites are really helpful if you can give them to me.




  1. You want Goth then France and Germany (even better) would probably be your best bet.

  2. TEN Gothic. In Corsican than a century, since the middle of the'200,'300 half, it was defined in Italy a new artistic concept that was born mainly in opposition to the Byzantine style. Compared to this style, art practiced by Italian artists search naturalism and rationality: the forms and images must resemble as much as possible to reality. They create the illusion practice to show the reality. To do this, the problem, especially for painters, is the plan to create two-dimensional visual illusion of three-dimensionality. As there is now clear, techniques to achieve this are mainly two: the chiaroscuro, to define the three-dimensional volumes, and the prospect for building space. At this stage the chiaroscuro is a reality already conquered, the prospect still not.

    Research to reach the definition of a "mathematical" method to define the space were, in fact, initiated. In practice artists such as Giotto or Lorenzetti brothers, had already laid the foundations, albeit empirical manner, in order to understand the functioning of the representation of space. While Italian art was launched on this path, another artistic vision, the Gothic, was now spreading in Europe. It too was born as an alternative Byzantine art, but art that respect was formed in Italy, had many other foundations.

    The Gothic art does not seek naturalism, but the decoration. It does not at all costs rational, but prefers the atmosphere fiabesche. We might say that while the Italian art to represent "reality", as correctly as possible, the art Gothic prefers "tell" stories. From a stylistic point of view, the differences between Italian art and Gothic art are essentially the following.

         * In Gothic there is the chiaroscuro, if not limited to the faces, while for the clothes you prefer a rich and arabescata decoration: in this way the objective of naturalism is completely sacrificed for a decorative effect richer and more valuable.

         * In Gothic there is concern for the proper performance space, and the images are organized only in terms of representation, not plausible in a three-dimensional space.

         * Gothic In addition, we find a clear predilizione for use of the line: this seems more practical designers that painters real. Images are always built on the edge of the brush, with braids and hatches linear decorative value.

         * From add, finally, the predilizione for line curve, which is one of the most universal stylistic certainly Gothic art. Curves intertwined, spirals, avvitamenti, stylistic traits that are found in the morphology of Gothic more varied, from the miniature painting, from architecture to sculpture.

    From a historical point of view, the Corsican the fourteenth century, almost Byzantine art tends to disappear in Western Europe, resisting only devices in some situations. What's that will be spread are mainly two: the art Italian Gothic and art. The first, at this stage, is in fact almost only in central and partly in the Po Valley. The Gothic art has spread far more continental. This dominance territorial supremacy becomes Corsican especially in the second half of the fourteenth century, when the Italian art is almost eclipsed by the spread of artistic taste Gothic. However, it is only a momentary: starting from the beginning of the fifteenth century, the birth of that vast artistic phenomenon we call the Renaissance, which is the most mature fruit of Italian born between thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Leads the European art under 'hegemony italiana.scusa artistic vision for my bad English

  3. in Italy is very difficult to find a gothic place or monuments...

    I think that the most important gothic place are in north of the country...especially the castles of Piemonte ane Valle d'Aosta...

    when you will arrive in must answer more informations...

    greetings from ROMA...

  4. Hi.  I actually run a tour company in Italy. We focus on cooking and culinary tours, but since you asked... here it is:
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